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Hefei was not as big as Shanghai. It was still a decently sized city, but not nearly to the same degree. There were glass covered skyscrapers, but little else outside it. The massive wall on the southwestern side of the city also didn't help things. It was the edge of the exclusion zone... and where they'd eventually have to go. However, as Uraraka drove through, she couldn't help but see the people look at her... in a noticeably less than friendly way. Even still, she went towards a decent hotel, The Paper Crane.

Entering, she found that the staff were wearing a well tailored uniform, and matching the regal interior. Approaching the front desk, she received a scathing glance for a moment before they put on a customer service expression. Izuku recognized that they tried to speak in a Chinese dialect before realizing Ochako was Japanese. These people don't like Japanese people... "Hello and welcome to the Paper Crane, how may I help you?"

The brunette, still steadfast, despite the chilly reception, asked, "I would like to get a room for the night?"
Ochako watched as the staff member worked on their computer, eventually saying, "We have one room available. It is Jade class single suite, and the cost will be 1247.57 yuan."
Well, considering the circumstances, that suit her just fine. She's lived in far, far worse places. "I'll take it." 

That surprised the receptionist, who asked, "Can you afford it?" Clearly this was an expensive room, by local standards. That meant...
"Yes. I'll pay by card." She showed the debit card, and the receptionist gave the card reader... for it to ping as payment accepted. They immediately changed their tone, although it seems like the change was only surface level. "Would you like an escort to your room?"

"Uh, no thanks."

"Very well. Just know that there will be complimentary breakfast included with your stay. Check out is at 1:00 in the afternoon."

"Alright... thanks." She took the access card. Room 404. Easy enough. Taking the elevator up, she found the room was a moderate size, with a bed facing a television, and a view of the exclusion zone. Perfect. Ochako walked to the window, and saw just how bad it was. The trees near the fence were normal, but as she viewed further into the zone, the land itself became blackened and sickly. Blighted by a terrible curse.

It was then that Sebastian sat down on the bed, and she turned to him. "Alright. Sabrina... what were you wanting to say?"
The angel tried to protest, but Sabrina, the other consciousness in his mind, overruled him. "Ah, ah! You said you would let me speak."
"Fine..." He gave up control, and it was immediately apparent by the way in which they acted.

Stretching her neck, Sabrina then remembered something, "Of course, since I'm in control..." Snapping her fingers, there was a flash of light before it revealed... a pale skinned woman with dark hair streaking down her back. Large, batlike wings framed the rest of her well... and her lack of clothes didn't help things. After noticing Izuku screaming in Ochako's head, Sabrina laughed before conjuring something more appropriate. "I keep forgetting Izuku's a guy. Sorry."
"Thanks for the headache..." She muttered, and received an apologetic glance in response.

There was a moment of pause before Ochako asked, "Well? You mentioned wanting to talk."
"Sorry." Sabrina said, "It's not often I get to be in control. So I was taking it in..." Then her expression darkened.

"What he's not telling you is just how bad things were back then. This is back when he was a new angel, still getting used to things. Before I was... well... around the time I was conjured into existence. He'd just saved his parents from their imprisonment, and... well... That had unintended consequences. You see, Viraleur was contained. And the reignited war? Well, that caused her to break free. She's easy enough to stop. But to contain? That's the trick. And She went on a rampage. The plagues she spread... it didn't just make normal people wither away... but it infected souls. He was so concerned because if Deliah died because of her, she wouldn't get an afterlife. That, and Viraleur is a fucking sadist. Worst kind. She delights in the suffering she causes. So, that's why he was so against it. Lady Death can be close to her all the time. She isn't affected by her. But us? If we screw up, even a tiny bit, we both become patient zero of something that, honestly, could end the world. That is why he's still furious on the issue."

"I... I didn't really..." He searched for the right word, before settling on the closest approximation, "...appreciate that." Izuku said, shocked by this being's now revealed power. Neither of them knew what forces they were dealing with, even if they were dragged into this.

She laughed, "Yeah. Betcha didn't. Disease isn't just those little things that make you get a fever. Not in the afterlife. So tomorrow, no matter how pitiful she looks, absolutely do not release her shackles at all. Now..." She glanced outside, and saw the sun setting. "Looks like it's getting late. If you want to go out to get food... now's the time..."
"No..." Ochako said, not really hungry to begin with, less so with what Disease would be like. "I'll wait until morning. I don't trust people if they're going to act like they did before."
"That's fair. A lotta anti... well, anti everything here at the moment. I'm just glad they're not committing genocide at the moment." Ochako did a double take as Sabrina remarked, before turning back. "You could, of course, help me with something..." Her gaze was lustful, before Sebastian had to take the reins. "No, she's a child."
"What...?" Ochako asked, dumbfounded.

Sebastian explained for her. "Sabrina is a succubus. And while I can get a power boost from... that, I don't need to, to survive. She doesn't either."
It was then that she interrupted. "Aw... but there's nobody else! We don't have Deliah anymore."

"Still no." he vetoed, before responding, "Would you like to alienate one of the few people that understands and trusts us?"

"No..." She huffed, crossing her arms. "But I'm going out."
Sebastian sighed, "And I can't stop you, since we have an agreement. But... Please, no more talk about this now. Remember they're still here."

Sabrina stood up, and agreed to Sebastian's plea, before pointing to Ochako. "Fine. Alright you two. No funny business until we get back."
Ochako and Izuku only looked at her with confusion and disbelief as the succubus left the room, Sebastian calling out an apology.

I'm sorry, but what the fuck have we been roped into?

I wish I knew. I think it's best if we go to sleep.

Yeah. That seems about right. 'Night Ochako.

Night, Izuku.

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