Leaving China

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As she entered the kitchen, she could hear voices in a side room, clearly having a hushed conversation. Despite that, they approached the door and listened carefully. Viraleur... was on the verge of tears. Of all the things they expected, they had never, ever thought this was a possibility. "I don't... want to leave you... father..."

"I'm afraid you must." Life responded, sadly, before explaining, "She will notice your departure just as quickly as that human government. I can send you to another fracture..."
"Fracture?" She asked, confused.

"If there is anything that defines... her... it's her persistence and creativity. She's broken the world into timelines known as "fractures". I can send you to an alternate fracture in order to keep you hidden... for a time. It may be best for you to create your own champion, like Death did, what you do is up to you."

Ochako peeked through the door, and saw Life give his daughter a hug, for a moment, before letting her go. Green lightning arced over his arms before he directed it towards a wall. A portal opened, and the deity of disease walked over to it slowly, before turning to her father. A single tear ran down her face before she turned back and entered it, the portal closing behind her.

He sighed, and then started walking towards the kitchen. Stumbling back, the door opened and Life caught her surprised. He rubbed the back of his neck, "So, you overheard us. I'm not mad. You seemed to be worried about her too... but it's best that you don't know where she went exactly. Not even Viraleur knows, really." Becoming confident and speaking quickly, he asked, "Well? Are you two ready? Ochako, are you set? Is Izuzuveula ready?"
However... Izuku was too flustered and shy to truly be annoyed with the man. While he has grown in his confidence... it did not extend to literal gods. Instead, he meekly countered, "It's Izuku, sir."
He dismissed the complaint, "Whatever, are you ready?"
"... Yes..."

With a nod, he turned to check over something else. "Good. After you leave, your first priority is to get out of this nation. They seem to have been tracking you from a distance, but when you reappear healthy, they'll want to capture you for study. That is not an option. Flight will be the fastest method, and you now have the reactions and strength to fly at ground level, away from their blasted inorganic cameras." He guided her directly to the front door, as she made sure the backpack he'd given was secured. "Out of all my experiments, you are one of the most promising. It has been a pleasure to have you here. Just know that my brats won't see things the same way."

Ochako swallowed nervously at that, and asked, "Will we see you again?"
He stopped and met her gaze. This was a question that deserved an actual answer. His voice was much slower as he chose his next words. "Not likely. I will be leaving this place, and take this place with me. It's not like you'll need my help again. You're strong enough to live, now make it count!" He opened the doors, and the last thing she heard was him say: "Good luck!" She was pushed outside, but was turned to ask a question, only for the building to have disappeared. He was gone, and she couldn't go back.

"Why is that a common theme? Being unable to go back?" Ochako asked with a resigned sigh.

Izuku answered, "Because we're special. You heard them. We just have to keep going. Let's find this mysterious new Demoness."

"Right." She smiled for a moment, before moving into the woods, following only a compass...

Of course, it was not so easy. Drones from the Chinese Government had already locked onto her location, even with her speed. Zipping between trees, she tried to stay out of sight, avoiding the sparse towns as she raced towards the border. Dipping and ducking, twisting and turning through the underbrush, she was fully able to appreciate the evolutions. Before, she would never have been able to do this. After all, her body wasn't built for flying. She didn't have the reflexes of Hawks, or Allmight, but Izuku usually covered that for her... until now. Now she didn't need his help to fly. And he was glad that she didn't need him either.

Alright, by my calculations, heading south will get us to the closest border. Heading straight west will just leave us stranded in a cold desert.

Right! She adjusted the trajectory, ignoring the compass until they were out of the hostile nation. The temperature cooled down as they headed over the mountains, snow starting to cover the land as they continued their ascent. A few hours passed, before they eventually reached the Nepalese border. There were guards, but what surprised them was that they didn't stop her. In fact, they didn't even try. What could they be thinking...?

I don't know, but I'm getting tired... I'm going to land outside the nearest city.

Right... Is that one to the west?

Turning, she saw structures in the distance and felt relief. Good.

She descended slowly, before accidentally crashing into the ground. However, to their combined surprise, it didn't hurt. Getting up to her feet, Ochako found that she wasn't sore anywhere, and that she was completely fine, not even a scrape. Her clothes were a little banged up, but 4 days without any change of clothes or anything similar would do that to any garments.

First order of business... fresh clothes. Warm clothes. Then... a hotel to rest. They shouldn't ask about me, right?

I think so. Fortunately... you still have the debit card, right?


Then we should be safe. Enough money means that they won't pay attention. I would suggest using English here. Japan is so far away that they likely won't know how to speak it.

If only there was an embassy here...

Since this is a small town, I don't think so. Ochako walked as he continued, But be careful. People are likely to take advantage of us in an unknown land...

The town was rather nice to look at. Picturesque, being remote, yet still having all the amenities of a modern town. She couldn't read the signage, but it was fortunate that there was a small inn that took her in without question, and a few people did, in fact, speak English.

As it turns out, the town's name was Kuri Village. It was often a ski town for the local mountains, and provides access to the nearby Gaurishankar Conservation area, a natural border between China and Nepal. It was a nice, peaceful place, and soon she found a nice, new cold weather outfit. After changing into it, she binned the other outfit. It was falling apart due to overuse, and combat... and the rapid flight from China. That, and due to Viraleur's presence... had some bits of mold growing on it, so it was definitely needing to be tossed. Preferably, torched. It wasn't her look, not really. She preferred what she normally wore, and this was closer to it. A puffy pink jacket, with a white wool T shirt comboed with a loose dark colored turtleneck underneath. A pair of blue jeans and woolen socks, combined with a new pair of shoes. For dinner, they had a meal known as Thukpa, a noodle dish influenced by both Chinese and Tibetian cultures, where the spice nearly made Ochako cry... a fact Izuku lightly teased her about. She shot back, If you were the one in control, you would cry.

He agreed, and said, You have no idea. I would cry a lot when I was alive, for the smallest things.

They laughed inwardly as they took their time to get home, sipping a takeaway cup of Chiya, or Nepali tea. If we're traveling the world like this, maybe we should just do a round trip. By my estimations, it's likely we'll get back to UA in a year, regardless.

You're right. It's almost winter. I've read stories online about the Eastern European Christmas markets... I also hear that they let 16 year olds drink wine.

I'm sure that's exaggerated, right? Right...?

After that leisurely walk, she settled into the hotel room for the night, sighing, We've come a long way...

We haven't even reached halfway yet. Izuku said, but then responded, We can worry about that tomorrow. Sweet Dreams.

You too... They both gave themselves to sleep.

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