Chapter 55

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Adira's POV:

I stared into the space blankly with my red and swollen eyes.

There was a commotion around me but I couldn't hear anything. Aiden was saying something but nothing registered in my head. The only thing I could think was.. my son.

My son..

Is he alright? Has he eaten?

Is he hurt? Is he in pain?!

He must be frightened, crying for me...

Countless questions spun in my head, but there were no answers, only silence.

Two hours!

Two damn hours have passed and we don't know anything about my son's whereabouts.

We were in my penthouse where we received last call from Atlas. My Mom and Grandpa Luis had arrived a while ago. My grandpa is on his way back here from Spain. Aiden's friends were already here to investigate the matter.

There were signs of struggle in the penthouse. Things were scattered around, indicating that my son had put up a fight against whoever had taken him. It was all planned in advance. They had been watching us, knowing our routines and when Atlas would be alone while grandpa Luis took a nap.

My son had fallen victim to their voice phishing call. They must have instructed him, pretending to be me, to use the back door of the house because the guards there were all dead, they killed them all. There must be someone there who helped him with the taxi. He couldn't take it alone. The CCTV cameras around the mansion and my penthouse had been rendered useless too.

Fresh tears streamed down my face as I looked at the mess around me. My heart squeezed painfully in my chest, arising an intense pain that I had never felt before. My mom gently squeezed my shoulder and patted my head as she cried with me.

Suddenly, the front door of the penthouse opened with a loud thud and came in my Dad and Sergio. Before anyone could react, my Dad rushed towards Aiden who was standing near the door, and landed a hard punch on his face. Aiden fell on the floor due to the unexpected hard blow.

"DAD!" I yelled in panic and rushed towards them, stood in front of Aiden who was still on the floor. Mom came forward and stood in front of me.

I had never seen my Dad like this before. He had a murderous look on his hard face, his eyes narrowed with an intensity that sent chills down my spine. All I could see was a glimpse of the darkness within him, a side that I had only heard of.

Sergio came rushing forward and tried to move us out of the way but I brushed his hand off. Mom and I stood in front of him but Dad was not even looking at us, his eyes were only focused on Aiden.

I was to about to say something to get his attention but an arm snaked around my waist gently from back as Aiden pulled me behind him.

"No," I tried to stand in front of him again but he turned around and looked at me with pleading and assuring eyes. His lip was cut and he had a nose bleed. My tears were flowing down uncontrollably as I noticed his bruised cheek. He stroked my jaw and wiped my tears.

"I'm fine, love, I'm okay!" He said softly, kissing my forehead and turned to my Dad.

"I told you that they won't be the only ones who suffers," I heard my Dad's dangerously dark and menacing growl.

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