Chapter 3

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Adira's POV:

I parked the car and went inside the mansion.

"Mommy!" I heard my favorite voice before I saw my little bundle of joy running down the stairs, directly into my arms.

"Careful, baby," I said gently, ruffling his hair and picking him up, smiling widely and kissing his cheeks, nose, and forehead.

"I missed you so so so so much," he said and circled his small arms around my neck, kissing my cheeks.

"I missed you more." I chuckled at his energy and hugged him tightly. A warmth spread throughout my system inhaling his baby scent.

"Hey, Adi," Logan came behind him and kissed my cheek, giving me a bear hug.

"Hey, thank you for taking care of Atlas today," I said to him, grateful that he was here.

"Don't mention it, Adi. It's nothing, and I love to spend time with him," he replied, ruffling Atlas' hair.

"Oh, uncle. Stop doing that, would you? I am not a three-year-old anymore!" Atlas voiced out seriously, fixing his hair.

"Hey buddy, your mom just did the same just a few minutes ago. You didn't say that to her..." Logan whined with a complaining voice.

"Because she is Mom, she can do anything because she is my superhero, and I love her too much!" Atlas snorted.

"Does it mean you don't love me enough?" Logan's voice rose higher in almost a dramatic pitch, and he put his hand on his heart and faked a hurtful expression.

Atlas gave him a side glance, as if looking at a two-year-old throwing a tantrum before he shook his head and released a long sigh.

"Okay, okay, fine, don't be so dramatic. I will let you do it... sometimes!" Atlas said in a very serious tone before he buried his head in my neck as if dismissing the topic at hand.

Logan and I laughed at his childish voice, sounding so serious.

"My baby!" I cooed softly to him in my arms and sat on the couch. Logan sat beside me casually, asking me how my day was, and we discussed how our families were doing and when they would come over.

"Okay, so where does my baby want to go for a holiday?" I asked Atlas softly after talking to Logan for a while.

"I want to go to an aquarium with you, Mama, but later in the evening. You need rest now; you have been working so hard," Atlas said, smiling and kissing my cheek.

"Oh, my Sunshine!" I kissed his forehead and took him in my arms again. He was really the sweetest kid. Sometimes, it really surprised me to think about how smart and considerate he was for his age.

Compared to other kids his age, Atlas was extremely intelligent and smart. He learned things too fast. His teachers in the nursery were often amazed at his ability to absorb information. I felt bad seeing that it was hard for him to make friends because his level of maturity didn't match with others. He was way too advanced for his age.

Although I knew he was bored in nursery school because he had already learned everything they taught, he never complained, not even once. He was a very considerate and patient kid. He never demanded anything from me like normal kids do with their parents. Instead, he always made sure to do little things within his power and capability to make me happy.

He had this distant aura around him that made it hard for people to connect with him. Only when he was with me or my parents did he show affection and talk a lot. I wished he could make friends like others. It broke my heart sometimes to see him so isolated from others.

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