Chapter 49

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Adira's POV:

"That day, I received a call from Ryan and I was shocked to the core. He told me to meet him in private because I was being followed and my activities were tracked. He later told me what happened and how a man saved him and took him under his wing until the day he returned to us. The underground connections we lacked to win the battle were brought by him and we successfully prepared ourselves to rescue my father from those monsters. In the process of rescuing, we involved authorities, we gathered the proof of his illegal businesses, his illegal properties and every single murder he and his daughter committed, his daughter was accomplice in all his crimes. There were many more murders he committed but we couldn't prove all so whatever we got at that time, it was enough to prove that they were guilty. Even his Mafia leader status couldn't save him at that time because he was a temporary leader of the Russian Mafia, not a permanent one and we don't know why.

The day I rescued my father from them was almost a year after you left, we attacked their headquarters and killed most of their men but that b****d and his daughter ran away and till now, we couldn't find them but they are wanted by the law and authorities, even the Russian Mafia itself because we heard that he also betrayed them. Although, without his connections, power and authority, he is as good as dead but we still didn't let our guard down because people like them know no limits. We are keeping a close eye on every underground activity so if there is a move, we would immediately be informed. That's why I opposed your idea of coming back here, I was afraid that you and Atlas would be in danger if they knew that my family was back!" He explained in detail.

I looked at him, dumbfounded, my mouth agape as I digested the whole information. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I recalled everything he said, my love, my man faced that hell all alone, by himself, no one by his side.


I thought he cheated and left me for her but I was wrong...

I was so damn wrong...

What have I done?

A f*****g misunderstanding destroyed our whole relationship...

This whole time, he was just protecting me... shielding me from harm that they could have inflicted on me.

He did everything to keep me safe.. even if it meant to let me go and make me hate him.

Instead he took everything on himself...

My eyes welled up, for the pain he felt, the times he cried alone, his struggles, his sufferings, his loneliness, he faced everything alone and didn't let anyone know how vulnerable he was. The cold, unforgiving, strong and ruthless man everyone knew as Aiden Alvertos Aberra was just a facade to protect himself and his loved ones. This man was holding the scars, the scars that were deeply embedded on his soul. My heart clenched painfully in my chest for everything he suffered alone. If it was possible to take all his pain away, I would have done it in a heartbeat. My body shook uncontrollably as the tears rolled down my cheeks like an unstoppable tsunami. I was regretting that moment when I decided to leave rather than confronting him. I don't care what would have happened next but at least I would have faced it with him. I would have been by his side, fighting the battle with him.

My one decision could have changed everything...

Aiden cupped my face in panic, "Love-"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I was so stupid. I-- It's my fault, I should have confronted you at that time, I- I thought you wanna leave me because you want to be with her and- and you love her and s-she was pr- pregnant with your baby. I thought- I thought you used me as a rebound until she came back." I barely spoke between hiccups, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

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