Bradfords Christmas 🎄

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Lucy is no longer Tim's rookie. He is still hard on her, but not too hard. She's a p2 now, and he has moved to Metro but is grumpier than ever, and they will not admit their feelings towards each other.  x

Lucys pov:
I sat in the station in my civilian clothes, waiting to see what Tim was doing. I had been sitting there for an hour waiting for him to finish with his paperwork before realising he was stalling.

Angela had said that Tim usually spends Christmas alone and goes drinking. He had no decorations up or even a tree, so I felt bad and decided to suprise him. Surprising Tim would be hard. Not just because I had to sneak into his house. Because he was always in cop mode and would surely point his of duty weapon at her if she even made a sound in the house without him knowing she was there.

Angela walked up to me and said, "Why do you care so much what he's doing for Christmas anyway?" with a raised eyebrow. "Because I do- ok. Maybe it upsets me to see him like that." I said, looking down at my feet. "God, at this rate, I'm gonna lose the bet," Angela said, huffing and walking off. Bet? What bet?

Tim eventually left the station on foot and walked to a bar. After half an hour, I went inside to see Tim swaying slightly on his bar stool with a glass of whiskey in his hand. I wanted to wait a tiny bit longer before I went over to him, so I went up to the stage and waited for a turn at karaoke.

Tim's pov:
Although I was drunk, surely I wasn't that drunk to be imagining Lucy on stage singing 'Last christmas'. I rubbed my eyes slightly. No. It was definitely her. As much as I hate to admit it, she's actually not that bad. I mean, her constant smiling and talking is annoying, of course, but she's OK. By the sounds of it, she was a great singer as well. She's part of the reason I'm even at this stupid bar. Because if I'm honest, she's a tiny bit more than a friend to me. But she will never see me that way...

Lucys pov:
Another hour later and tim was wobbiling around, barely able to stand up, so I went over to him. "You ok, Officer bradford?" I asked sweetly but with a smug grin on my face. "Are you my Uber?" He asked, putting an arm around my shoulder. "Uh yeah, I guess I am. Come on, Tim." I said, steering him towards the door before he could realise how red my cheeks were because of his touch.

He practically fell into my car and fell asleep against the window. I poked him twice to make sure he was definitely asleep before I started to talk. "God, if only I could tell you whilst you were awake and sober. I like you, Tim. alot. I didn't move in with Chris because he wasn't the one I wanted. He's just not you.

We finally arrived at bradford, and I woke him gently. "Were here!" I said, dragging him out of the car. Luckily, all of my recent sessions at the gym had paid off. Otherwise, Tim would have squashed me. I guided him up the stairs, got him some pj's out, and left a bucket next to his bed.

I glanced up at the sideboard and saw a picture of me there. As a rookie. No. Just after I graduated from a rookie to a p2. I remember now. I gave him the picture in a frame as a joke. It had a small golden plaque that read:

Officer Lucy Chen (aka boot)
The best rookie you ever trained.

I didn't think he would actually keep it, let alone put it on display in his house. I guess this man is full of surprises.

After closing Tim's door behind me, I went outside and grabbed a box, and got to work. 4 hours later, I headed home and practically dived into my bed.

Tims pov:
I opened my eyes and looked around the room. I saw a bucket next to my bed, and I could smell a faint pine smell. I went to stand up, but my head confirmed for me that I was drinking last night as it felt like it was being hit with 5 hammers at once. Great. Curious about what the smell was, I headed downstairs and froze. The decorations and tinsel everywhere practically screamed one name. Lucy Chen.

Lucys pov:
I sat down in roll call, and I could feel Tim's eyes through the back of my head. This was going to be fun. "Alright, everyone dismissed," Grey said, gathering his papers. "Wait, sir. I would like to say something." Tim's voice said smuggly from the back of the room. I froze a bit but sat down again.

"Can I just remind everyone that it is ILLEGAL to break into anyone's house. Especially an officer! Even if it is to decorate, there is a house whilst there asleep." Tim said, staring directly at me. Everyone looked around the room, confused. "What do you mean, bradford?" Angela said, chuckiling from across the room.

"Officer Chen. Care to explain to all of your colleagues?" Tim asked smuggly. I slowly stood up and headed to the podium. I elbowed bradford, put off the way, and stood to face everyone.

"Ok, so I went into bradfords apartment and hung a bit of tinsel. Only like a few pieces because he didn't even have a tree, and his house looked as beautifully decorated as the grinches cave is at Christmas. Also, the door was unlocked, AND I bought him home from the bar, so technically, he let me in, so I didn't do anything illegal. Thank you, Officer bradford." I replied, grinning.

"A FEW PEICES! IT LOOKS LIKE YOU BOUGHT THE WHOLE STORE!" Tim said, trying his best to sound angry whilst everyone laughed at him. He showed everyone the pictures, and it just made them laugh harder. "Well, you shouldn't be such a grinch," I said, looking up into his eyes. I don't know what it was, but my heart skipped a beat, and I wanted to close the space in between us.

"Right, that's it for roll call, folks!" Grey said, smiling as he headed out of the room. I continued to look at bradford, and he bent forward and whispered. "You're in so much trouble, Officer Chen." Breathing down my neck then walked off in the direction of his office. I stood there for a few seconds and looked around the empty roll call room, trying to figure out what just happened.

chenford one shots xTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang