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Yesterday was such a crazy and emotional day but now I have to get started with my chemotherapy which I am not ready for but when do we ever have the choice.

Pablo promises to be my side for it all which of course he will be but it's just so horrible that I can't actually go home for a week while this is happening so I can't see Emmie all the time and Pablo isn't allowed to stay that long.

I was making my way towards the hospital as Pablo stopped us for some Starbucks since it's become a habit recently but i'm absolutely enjoying it way too much.

We then got our way to the hospital for our appointment he told the receptionist my name and only moments later we were called the light by my doctor.

We walked through and to the room with him sitting down as he then proceeded to start my treatment while asking me questions in between. My hand was in Pablo's I just wasn't ready for this but I knew I had to helped sooner or later.

Hours later I had just woken up because I must've passed out but Pablo was still there sitting by my side but I had machines attached to me stickers and like tubes in my veins and a few up my nose.

"It's gotten worse Macie.." He says looking up at me and I just sit there shaking my head. "No no.. That's impossible." I say. It's got to be it can't have gotten worse this is supposed to save me.. I was so scared now because I didn't know what I had left ahead of me and it was breaking me.

"The chemo is supposed to loosen it back up and stop it from getting too bad for another or so.." He says tightening his squeeze on my hand. "You're going to be okay. I know you are." He adds on kissing my knuckles.

Not long later Pablo did have to leave but he made sure that no matter what he would come back every single day to check on me and he'll bring Emmie in took but I didn't want her to see me like this because she still didn't know.

3 Days Later.

"Mummy? Why are you in the hospital?" now I have to tell her and it'll be unfair to lie so I sigh a little and place my hand onto her cheek. "You know how mummy lost her mummy at a young age?" I ask and she drops her smile. "Yes..?" I kissed her forehead as tears drip from my eyes.

"Well baby.. mummy has the same illness that my mummy had all those years ago.." I say as Emmie just starts crying then wraps her arms around me so tightly. "Is mummy going to die?" Pablo gulps placing his hand onto her back. "She's got medicine she is trying her best." He says.

I knew this was snapping him Pedri's came down once he doesn't want to do this it's scaring him so so much and it's hurting me to see him in this much pain. "Please try and get uncle Pep to come see me baby." I say and she nods while sniffling. "I'll try mummy I promise." She says.

That was maybe the most hardest situation I have ever been in and I never want to be in it again. I sigh holding Emmie to my chest then we read a little book together before her and Pablo have to head home.

The next morning I wake up and I have Pedri just sitting by my side and a smile appears onto my face and he takes my hand. "I'm sorry I didn't come." I shake my head and smile. "No no trust me you're all good i'm just glad you're here now." I say.

"I hate seeing you like this Mais, it's killing me." I squeeze his hand tightly and a tear drips from my eyes. "I love you and it's going to be okay because for now I am still here just please don't distance yourself from me P, you'll regret it and I don't want you to.

He nods with a smile as he holds my hand tightly again and we just sit there for hours talking about the team and how everything's been going recently and that they keep asking about me and I am just glad that them two are still doing there careers.

Pedri heads home later on that night then this night felt like it was going on for so so long. I just looked staring up to the ceiling and I didn't know what I felt hug I knew I was in pain.

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