Marc Casadó

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I was running on the training ground during a warm up with Alexia just next to me. In the stands were Ferran, Pablo, Pedri, Lewandowski and Marc.

Lewandowski had told me that Marc dragged Ferran along just so he could watch me but act like they were taking notes from us. The minute Pablo saw him he went to say something but Lew grabbed his shoulder and told him to sit down.

"Marc can't take his eyes off you Macie. Is there anything going on there?" I laughed as I shook my head starting off with some lunges. "No. There's nothing between us. Pedri took me to meet the team the other day and he's been some what obsessed ever since."

She then laughed as she watched them. "It pisses Gavi off to a max. I see the way his blood is boiling." I watched Pablo as his eyes connected to mine his face softened. "He injured him yesterday for just looking at me so really it is." I stretched my body as I started jogging on the spot then ran to the other end of the line.

I jogged back watching Alexia do her run. As she came back we took a small water break for training to begin. "Pablo's the one for you, but your hearts your heart. I smiled a little to myself that she thought that then it made me shiver.

What do I feel towards this boy? I sighed as we walked towards the coach beginning our session. I walked off the field at the end of the session to Marc standing at the gate waiting for me. "Ready for dinner yet?" I rolled my eyes as I looked over to Pablo. "Nice try Marc." I smirked as I made my way towards the three.

"Oh how I hate men." They all laughed as Pedri put his arm around my shoulder. "Let's not start getting in with Marc now hm?" I looked up at him with a slight glare on my face. "Shut up." He chuckled again stepping back to talk to Gavi as we walked back to the car.

I got in the back with Gavi again and stretched my legs out over his. "No no no nooooo" He squealed and pushed my legs off his. "You have sweaty legs!" I let out a huff then crossed my arms over my chest.

I realised he then felt bad pulling my hand out and holding it into his squeezing it a little. I smiled towards him as I got a message on my phone.


You can't get rid of me
that fast.

I sighed as I read over the message starting to type back as Pablo looked over at my phone. "Who's that?" He asked curious about the unknown number. "Which one of you gave Marc my number?"

Pedri raised his brow as he looked through the mirror. "Sorry what?" I sighed and passed my Phone to Pablo. "She's not wrong, he's messaging her." Pablo passed me my phone back as they told me not to reply until they found out where he got my number from then it clicked.



We got home with Pedri on the phone to Alexia and Pablo on the phone to Marc. Someone having my number feels like I'm a royalty right now. Pablo began shouting as he ended the call and looked at me with rage in his eyes. "You? You agreed to go to dinner with him?!"

I sat with a confused look, is he crazy? Why would I agree to that stuff. "What? No! I rejected him!" Pablo started pacing around my living-room breathing heavier than i've ever seen before.

"I promise!" He didn't know what to do so he grabbed his water from the table and ran up the stairs. Pedri walked towards me after he had ended the call and sat in front of me on the table. "She said he wouldn't leave her alone till he got it. Where's Pablo?"

"He ran upstairs because Marc told him he was taking me for dinner. I rejected him I didn't agree to that!" Pedri let out s small smile placing a kiss onto my forehead. "All good i'll fix it." He stood up walking up the stairs of my home and into his own bedroom.


I was laying in my bed scrolling through my Instagram, I was in my pyjamas with wet hair from my shower. There was a knock at my door while I shouted come in they did then sat at the edge of my bed.

"I'm sorry. I know I get annoyed easily." I sat up giving him a warm smile as I put my phone down. "Don't be sorry. It's okay." I then patted the bed just next to me as he shuffled over next to me. I leaned into his chest and closed my eyes against it.

His hand was lifted into my hair as he ran his fingers through it. "You have a game tomorrow. Go to sleep." He nodded as he slid down in  the bed as I threw a blanket over him. I stood up going towards the switch turning off the light then walking back to my bed. "Goodnight Gavira."

I got under the covers picking my phone back up and running my fingers through his hair. Before I then fell asleep myself.

We both ended up waking up at the same time I stretched as I cracked my back and smiled down at him who just didn't want to get up. I shoved him a little making him actually get out the bed.

"I'll see you at the game." I nodded as he placed a kiss onto my forehead and the minute he walked out of the room I laid back down and fell asleep for another half an hour."

I then wake up again dragging myself out of my bed to get dressed for the game as my phone buzzed.


I have a ticket for todays match
at our usual seats.. If you're
going I don't have to but it's a
chance for us to talk?

I sighed to myself needing to think for a little moment before I messaged her back.

Yeah sure I don't care 🤷‍♀️

I put on the top Pablo gave me at his last game then made my way downstairs to the taxi I had ordered not long ago. I said bye to my father as I got into the taxi.
Laila is back!! I missed her sm but patience is key!!

Two chapters as I promised.

Love you all sm

1.96k is insane!!!

Goodnight lovers <3

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