Spain V Japan

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I hate writing these chapters now but I can't remove them or it ruins the whole book

Today we travel along to Mexico for the game against Japan. I've never actually been to Mexico so this is pretty exciting. The boys will have to train so it means Emmie and I can just go for a little walk around the place.

Mikky is in Canada right now for Frenkie's next game so we are alone for now. I miss Alexia really it's been a while since we had a game. I miss playing I just feel so worried for when it's my last game.

I don't take many turns with the Cancer but when I do the turns are just so horrible which I am so scared for when it gets worse. Pedri's been keeping a closer eye on me recently and Pablo just doesn't think of it.

I think the more he doesn't think of it the more easier it is for him and I completely understand it. Though there's nothing I can think of more than our wedding and how I finally get to become his wife.

I never ever expected him to ask me due to how one day I may not be here and he will have to life his life knowing his wife has gone. I told him he can move on and find someone else but he only refuses every time I talk about it.

I hate talking about it but like I have these over thinking moments where I could just drop down tomorrow and it's really scary so I hate not talking about it as much as I hate talking about it.

Though I still haven't told Emmie about it and we found out so long ago that I had it. I don't think she'll understand it but it's for the best and I will eventually tell her or Pablo could tell her but we will get there.

So right now I am actually packing up our things from the hotel we are in now with the help from Pablo. I think we're meeting the team downstairs for breakfast as it is no rush to Mexico due to the game being tomorrow.

Emmie has had a fall out with Ferran apparently he stole her muffin. It's a Pedri and Ferran thing the both of them do this all the time when it comes to food. So right now her favourite is definitely Laporte.

"You okay?" He asks me while placing a kiss against my temple. "Yeah. Are you?" I ask and he nods massaging over my shoulders. "Of course." He replies. "Can you please give Emmie some apple juice in her cup?" He smiles at me and turns to pour apple juice in Emmie's cup.

I finish packing the bags and place everything onto the bed. "Em?" She looks up at me from her crib and tilts her head. "Hi." She says. I take her out and hold her onto my waist. "You can sleep on the plane okay?" She nods then I look to Pablo.

"All set." I say. He smiles taking the suitcase while I put the rucksack onto my back while holding Emmie. "You know what I haven't done?" I say. He looks to me and raises his brow. "I haven't posted on insta in so long." He chuckles and shakes his head.

"That is true yeah." We walk down the stairs to be met by the team Pablo takes the bag from my back and walks towards the bus putting our stuff under. "Hey Emmie." Laporte says. She smiles stretching her arms out towards him. "Hii" She giggles as he takes her.

Pablo walks over to me and wraps his arm around my waist while we walk into the breakfast restaurant place. It's like a little buffet and it's really pretty we came for dinner the other night there without the team.

"Mais you good?" Pedri asks while he takes a seat in front of Pablo and I. "Yeah i'm okay don't worry." He nods with a weak smile against his lips then turns to Laporte. "He's completely stole her." I laugh a little.

"You stole her cookie. Ferran stole her muffin. It's your won faults." I say. Pablo puts his arm over my chair. "I'll go get Emmie some cereal." He says then stands up walking towards the cereal part.

"Pedri coming with me?" I ask and he nods then gets up coming with me. "You're so short I don't get it." I laugh and shove him gently. "Shut up." I say as I take a plate. I don't put much on it i've never been a big breakfast person.

I'm glad it's nothing to do with my illness because Pedri would definitely put more on my plate if it was. "Boo" I jumped a bit as Ferran came up behind me and laughed. "Awh that'll never get old." He says. I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Shut up." I say and walk back to the table.

I tickle Emmie's neck as I walk past her as she starts giggling. "Mummy!" I laugh then sit down at the table beside Pablo. "Hey you." I say. "Hello angel." He smiles taking a bite of his toast.

After breakfast we went onto the bus and to the airport to catch our flight to Mexico. We got on the plane taking our seats then making our way there. As the time we got there we did go straight to the hotel as it was late.

I got Emmie down to sleep then Pablo passes out the minute he laid down onto the pillow. I got myself changed and I then also passed out no long later.

The next morning Pablo had already left by the time I woke up. Emmie had some orange juice and Pablo's phone in her crib watching Peppa Pig. I yawned and stretched getting up and smiling from above her. "Morning." I say.

She looks at me taking her bottle out her mouth. "Morning mummy." She smiles then looks back to the phone. Pablo already had her dressed which was good because it means I just have to get ready and we can go.

I love how helpful he is he's so amazing he is. I got changed having to put on het again another spain top and this time some denim shorts. I picked up Emmie and slips Pablo's phone into my bag. "Ready?" She nods.

I walk outside with her and down the stairs. I walk outside getting her into her buggy. Then we take a little stroll around the town. Mexico was absolutely beautiful don't get me wrong. We stopped for some lunch and I decided to post on insta.

liked by pedri and 654,543 othersmaciexgarcia my person ❤️

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liked by pedri and 654,543 others
maciexgarcia my person ❤️

pedri favourites🩵

pablogavi i miss you both already❤️

mikkykiemeney my two favourite faces!!

It's been a while since I posted so today was definitely worth it. Emmie and I finished our lunch so then we made our way to the stadium for the game to support her darling father and her lovely uncle.

We walked inside I left her buggy just at the entrance with a chain against it. I walked inside and made our way to our seats to watch the game. The boys came on and I just felt so grateful to be here.

This game started and then ended as a 2-1 win making me more than round once again because honestly I have this huge feeling we're going to win this cup. Pablo jumped the wall and ran towards me

I jumped up onto his waist wrapping my arms around his neck with a kiss onto his lips. "Another win closer to Greece." I say. He smiles in agreement. "It is indeed my love." I place my forehead against his own then jump down.


Becoming more excited for the wedding more than the rest of the world cup

My Football Heart - Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now