Chapter 62

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It's been 6 months now since Luciana was born and a year since Lucius was locked away

You've just been hyper focused on raising Luciana now

You had heard Dumbledore was killed after death eaters somehow got into Hogwarts

Harry hasn't told you anything when he comes over to see Luciana even if he obviously knows something

Same with Draco when you asked him he said I don't know we were just told we're all leaving early and going home, but Draco had mentioned he hasn't seen his friend Pansy mostly all year and hope she's okay as she suddenly disappeared after the death eaters were let in

But well you need to take care of Luciana now as her only parent so what happened is just going to have to be a mystery. For now, even if you can guess what happened, and poor Pansy if it's true

You put her down in her crib as you went to lay down it was late and storming out and you were so tired you wanted to sleep

You then heard what sounded was a door downstairs opening and confused you stand there for a few seconds then you walk downstairs and into the kitchen to see it open

"Stupid wind." You say as you close it and lock it this time

You sigh as you walk back to the stairs but see wet muddy foot wasn't the wind that opened the door

You quietly go to the bedroom your staying in and grab your wand

Right as you then hear it Luciana crying

You run out and into the room Sirius set up for her to see someone in the dark holding Luciana

You point your wand at them as you walk closer worried for her safety

But then you stop as you hear Luciana start to giggle in the silhouette of the man's arms

"Your so beautiful my darling little girl." The voice says and you stop as you let out an audible gasp making him jump as he protectively held Luciana to his chest

"Lucius?" You say as you lift your wand and light up his face him flinching when seeing your wand so you stop and put it away turning on the nearby light

The room lit up and you could see him he looked terrible he looked ragged and almost unrecognizable he looked broken and terrified

"You're okay." You say putting a hand on his cheek to calm him down as he was shaking

But then Luciana giggled again and Lucius took a deep breath and sat down on the armchair in the room as he was soaking wet from the rain he was muddy and dirty

"How about we put her to bed and get you cleaned up." You say and Lucius jumped when you tried to take Luciana out of his arms

He didn't wanna let go of her

"It's okay, but it's late she needs rest once your all cleaned up and sleep you'll be able to hold her all day tomorrow your home." You say and Lucius lets you take her and put her back in her crib going to change her out of her damp clothes after Lucius was asleep

You help him up and help him to the washroom and he sits on the floor as you run him a bath

He looked so scared of everything and he blinked hard to adjust to the light

Once the bath was ready you and Lucius got in and he pulled you close wanting to feel your skin because he can feel it, it's here and it's real

You lean on his chest as you both just relax as you make sure he's the most relaxed

"Are you upset with me?" Lucius asks and you look up at him

"No, but I do wish you talked to me about how you felt like that was the only way to protect me." You say and Lucius sighs as he kisses the top of your head just resting there now

"I thought it was better to deal with alone." He says as you turn around and kiss him and he starts crying after you kissed "I was so scared I'd never be able to do that again." Lucius says and you caress his cheek

"Me too." You say as you then wash his hair for him and get him as cleaned up as you can

After the bath Lucius gets into clothes you stole from Sirius's room since he was asleep and you didn't wanna bother him

Lucius instantly fell asleep when his head hit the pillow

You kiss his forehead as you smile he's going to be able to watch her grow up

'He's home he's finally back home.'

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