Chapter 61

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It's been a week since Luciana was born.

Today Draco was coming over to see his sister.

He told you how he was bragging to everyone how he has a baby sister and you smile he really is happy about this

Draco sits down and you hand her to him carefully

As he was holding Luciana, he was cooing at her as he smiles wider then you have ever seen

He usually gives a half smile then back to his resting face

But here he is laughing and smiling so happy like a child on Christmas morning as he holds his baby sister

"Hi Luciana im Draco your older brother and we may not get our dad back but you don't have to worry I'll be there to protect you." Draco says as you smile as you almost cried

"How about we send a picture of you both to Lucius." You say as you grab your camera and Draco nods happily as Sirius says hey I'll take as he walks in and you sit back down

"Your still recovering stop doing stuff." Sirius says and you were shocked yes you are still recovering but you can take a picture

"Whatever." You say as Sirius takes it as Draco didn't seem to want to let go of Luciana but she started to cry so you took her from him and tried to figure out what she needed

Which she was just hungry so you got your blanket and covered one side of your chest as you fed her

"What are you doing?" Draco asks so confused and Sirius chuckles at how confused Draco was at breast feeding

"Feeding her?" You say confused did Draco not know what breast feeding was

"How?" Draco asks as you chuckle now seeing as he really didn't get it

"You see Draco when women get pregnant and have the baby we can produce milk for our child as it's the only think they can really have as newborns, well besides baby formula in the muggle world but it's still made for babies and like breast milk." You say and Draco nods as he looked a little freaked out

"Look women are weird all I can say." Sirius says and you glare at him

"We are weird? When you Sirius asked if I can bottle my milk somehow so you can taste it?" You say and Sirius shrugs

"I wanna know is human milk better then the stuff I put in my tea?" Sirius says and you sigh

"Weirdo."  You say and Sirius chuckles

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Sirius says as you smile at him and laugh as well  "Also who is her godfather?" Sirius asks and now Sirius was patiently waiting for you to say him and Draco looked over wondering if she even has one, his dad has never been a fan and doesn't think it's a necessary thing because why would he die? Needing someone else to take care of his kids?

"Uh me and Lucius haven't chose so no one yet?" You say and Sirius looked hurt

"Excuse me? What about me? Your brother!" He says and you chuckle

"You have Harry is that not enough?" You say and Sirius starts pouting

"No." He says and you chuckle as you look down at Luciana who was asleep right now as she eats

'The only name Lucius insisted on was truly Luciana, he said I wanna match names if we have a daughter Lucius and Luciana, the rest were suggestions as he had to give more ideas to pretend he wasn't being so pushy on the name, thinking that would convince me more for the name. I mean it worked.'

|Lucius' Pov|

I smile at the new letter with the pictures oh y/n holding our daughter and Draco holding his sister


I'm guessing y/n decided to choose it as it was the one I wanted and I can't be there for her

But she's beautiful the only light and happiness I can keep with me as I'm here

How much I just wanna hold my daughter in my arms and whisper to her how much I love her

'I hope one day I get to hold her in my arms it's all I want to hold my daughter in my arms and protect her.'

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