Chapter 39

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Lucius had suggested that to protect your dog better you move in with him

"Your really using padfoot against me to get me to move in aren't you? You just want me to never leave." You say and Lucius nods of course he didn't want you to ever leave, he's gotten too used to you sleeping in bed with him, he may not be able to ever sleep without you now

"Yes but I do wanna help protect your dog." Lucius says and he kept saying your dog, incase Draco heard and figures out your dog is actually Sirius Black and turns him over, your just thankful Lucius hasn't you truly didn't even wanna let Lucius know who Padfoot truly is

"Do I have to? Like I could go home." You say and Lucius looks at you shocked like excuse me you would actually do that? Leave me in a cold bed without you there to warm me up? He's too used to it now he can't survive a night without you there next to him now

"Yeah? What do I snore or something?" Lucius says trying to think of why you wouldn't wanna move in and that was it, not just because you may not want to because Lucius is trying maybe moving too fast, and you laugh

"Well not every night only when you drink too much." You say and Lucius looked offended like how dare you say I snore that's so offensive

"I'm too perfect to snore." He says and you laugh

"Hey you also sleep talk." You say and Lucius laughs

"No never darling hot people don't snore." Lucius says and you nod like sure, you keep believing that

"Yeah ok whatever you say Lucius." You say chuckling as Sirius barks three times

"What you trying to say?" Lucius says looking at Sirius confused and you smile

"That's something Sirius used to tell me when I told him he snored." You say and Lucius looked shocked

"Well I'm glad we agree padfoot." Lucius says and Sirius barks again

"Hey language." You say and Sirius made a sound like he was laughing which freaked Lucius out

'This is so weird that dog is a human it freaks me out.'


One day Lucius came home from having to go somewhere Draco was gone at a friends and walks into his bedroom as you laugh and Lucius walks in to see Sirius as a human as you were braiding his hair as Sirius laid on you

You chuckle as Sirius was making you laugh

"Stop I can't focus on braiding your hair." You say and Sirius chuckles

"Oh no please I need to look beautiful." Sirius says and then you both notice Lucius as he cleared his throat "Hey blondie fuck off I'm getting my hair pulled you can pull y/ns later." Sirius says and Lucius froze after Sirius said that as you snorted

' Sirius is gonna make Lucius's life hell oh poor Lucius but we'll he wants me to move in with Sirius I don't think he understands the consequences for that.'

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