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I move closer to the warm spot next to me. My bed feels even comfier with it here. Arms wrap around me and my eyes fly open. Jason. In my bed. Next to me. Passed out. How did that happen? Why is he so pretty? I hate it. Hate him for making me feel like this. I slowly move back but his arms tighten around me and he shoves his head into my neck. I stiffen and my breathing is shallow. He's so close. 

"You can't leave. You're so warm..."

"Jason," My voice is barely a whisper. A few memories of last night drift back to me. He had gotten more drunk while I sobered up through the night. Aaron and Ace had helped me get him to my house and then we passed out," Jason, let me go please."

"No," He holds me closer and I just barely shiver. Our legs are tangled together and his breath on my neck feels too good," Warm. My head hurts."

"You were drunk," I say slowly as I accept that I'm not getting away any time soon," You're hungover now."

He groans," I hate being hungover."

I snort," I'm pretty sure that's a universal experience."

He finally lifts his head and glares at me," Smart ass. How are you not hungover?"

"I didn't drink much. You kept going until you could barely walk," His face is very close to mine. Must resist the urge to look at his lips. Must resist. I glance at his lips for a second. Shit," I had to bribe you into the car with candy. I felt like I was kidnapping you."

He smirks," Only you could kidnap me. Do my parents know I'm here?"

I shrug," No clue. We passed out pretty quickly."

He looks relieved but I don't know why," Okay. I'll call them later," He shoves his head back into my neck and I stop breathing. 

"Jason, breakfast. I want food and it'll help your headache."

He groans and unwraps himself from me," Fine. I liked the cuddle option more."

I laugh," Baby. I didn't think I would have to mother you at 18, Jason."

He sticks his tongue out at me as he runs a hand through his hair. I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't check out the muscles of his arms as he did it. I move to the bathroom and take a few deep breaths. My body feels like it's vibrating. He was so close to me that whole time. It would have been so easy to... Stop! Jesus, Emery. Stop thinking about this. 

I walk into the dining room and Jason is already there talking to my mom," Here's some water and headache meds. You'll get pancakes and bacon in a minute. Your mom knows you're here. I called her last night."

"Thanks, Mom," I sit next to Jason and she hands me my own glass of water.

"Next time don't come home absolutely drunk," She looks at Jason and then to me," Thank you for making the right call of coming home."

I nod with a small smile," I can be mature sometimes."

My mom smiles and Jason elbows me with a smirk," I can't! It's why you're my best friend."

Damn. Friend zoned," You wouldn't survive without me."

"Neither one of you could survive without the other," Mom points a spatula at us with a laugh," She forgets everything when you aren't there to list it out for her and you just don't take care of yourself properly when she's not there."

My face burns as Jason laughs," Not true! I don't forget everything."

My mom smirks," You forgot your skates the one time he wasn't there to help you get ready."

Jason laughs," Did you really? You never told me!"

I groan and hide my face in my arms," You both suck."

Jason pokes my side until I finally look at him," You love us. Don't lie to yourself."

I roll my eyes but a smile is on my face," Sure."

                                                                    ~Later that day~

"You two look just as miserable as Jason," I hand Ace and Aaron tea and sit next to Jason. We decided that hanging out at my house is what we are doing. It's how we ended up in my room and I'm mothering three teenage boys through hangovers," You didn't seem that bad last night."

"We just handle our alcohol better than Jason," Aaron jokes but he winces and sips his tea. He looks grumpy.

I snort," he's a lightweight."

"I will throw you," Jason points an accusing finger at me. He seems to feel better: " I'm not a lightweight."

"Liar," Ace smirks," Don't try to impress the only girl in the room that knows you better than all of us combined with that bullshit."

"Damn, Ace," I laugh," you're meaner than me when you're hung over."

"He's just mean," Aaron grumbles. Now that I think about it, they aren't sitting next to each other like usual. They are on completely different sides of the room, barely looking at each other," No matter the state."

"Don't be a baby," Ace sends a sharp glare at Aaron. 

As our group lapses into silence, I look between them," What is going on with you two?"



I nod, unbelieving. Bullshit. Something happened. I glance at Jason and he raises an eyebrow at me. He doesn't believe them either. I shake my head and Jason continues," Do you guys want to do something? I'm incredibly bored."

Aaron perks up at that," What do you have to do here?"

"Movies," I tell them with a smile," I know just the movie. Jason has been forced to watch it with me at least... 200 times."

Jason groans and I laugh," No. God, have mercy."

"What movie," Ace asked, clearly nervous.

"The Princess Bride," I smile at them.

Aaron lights up," I fucking love that movie! Inigo Montoya is the hottest man alive!"

I giggle," I completely agree. Thank you."

"Absolutely not," Jason shakes his head," Out of all the guys, Westley was the hottest."

I watch with a smirk as they argue over who looks better. I snort and Jason looks at me and his face morphs into horror," I thought you didn't like it?"

"I don't," He defends.

I raise an eyebrow as my smirk grows," You're arguing pretty hard for someone who doesn't like it."

"Just play the damn movie," He grumbles, running his hands down his face.

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