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It's cold as hell out here and my team is taking their sweet ass time getting here. I told them 6:30 and it's 7. I think they know that I tell them earlier times at this point to get them here on time. I finally see Aaron and Ace drive up. Aaron climbs out of the car and is followed by 4 other players. Ace drove himself. I hope they didn't make him. I know he still struggles with getting the respect he deserves. 

"Come on you assholes," I yell at them," I've been waiting for 30 minutes."

Ace snorts," Liar," he pats me on the shoulder," We know you give us earlier times so we're on time. The figure skaters are just now getting out of practice. You've been waiting here for at least ten minutes, at most."

Simon snorts," I think you got called out Briggs."

Simon pats Ace on the back before moving into the rink," They didn't force you to ride alone, right?"

Ace's face relaxes as I whisper to him. He then snorts," Don't worry. They were all very persistent on getting me into that car but I was not sitting in there with four other smelly guys."

I relax," That's good."

He bumps my shoulder," Don't worry so much. The team is always respectful to me."

I wrap my arm around his shoulders," I just want to make sure. You're probably the best out of all of us and I don't want you treated any different."

Ace smiles," They all treat me the same, Cap. I get all the same treatment as everyone else. Coach is the only one that treats me differently."

I nod with a grimace," asshole."

"He's an asshole but also the only one who took me onto his team."

"Woah," Aaron says as we reach him," She is hot! What's her name?"

I follow his gaze and smile when I see Emery practicing with Isaac," Emery."

"The quiet nerdy girl?" Simon asks loudly," I didn't know she could skate. How do you know her?"

"She's my... friend," That doesn't even begin to describe our relationship or how I feel. Aaron isn't wrong she is hot but she's also beautiful in her own way.

"I haven't seen you talk to her once," Malachi raises an eyebrow at me," How is she your friend?"

I roll my eyes and look back at her. She's smiling at Isaac as they high-five and skate off," Hey Em!"

Dicks. I'll show them she's my friend. She looks confused for a moment but smiles when she sees me. God, she's lovely," Hey, Jason. I forgot you were taking your team here."

"We talked about this a few hours ago."

She raises an eyebrow with a smirk," You aren't the only guy I talk to, Jay," I hear the guys snort behind me," I got sidetracked."

"Liar," I tease," Isaac is the only other guy I see you with. And that's cause he's your partner. I know you better than that, Em."

She rolls her eyes," Whatever. The rink is all yours. Do you mind if I stay? Isaac was my ride and he has to leave without me."

Aaron pushes me aside and I roll my eyes," A pretty girl like you watching us, yes, please! I'm Aaron."

My jaw twitches when I see a blush form on her face," Emery. I-I'm going to change."

She walks away and I barely notice the guys talking as I watch her leave. Why doesn't she ever blush when I give her compliments?

"Jealousy looks good on you," Aaron pats my chest and I smack the back of his head," Okay, sorry."


I walk out of the locker room last to see the guys all talking to Emery. She's laughing with all of them and they all seem to love her. She's never this open in public. God, she's beautiful. I drop my stuff next to everyone else's and sit behind her. 

Aaron is the one that's talking the most," What if it's just me who takes you to the movies?"

She snorts," You're sweet but I'm not into people who look like Ronald Weasley in his second year at Hogwarts."

No one knows how to respond, least of all Aaron. It takes a moment but Xavier is the one to break the silence with a loud snort," I'm sorry," He says quickly when Aaron shoots him a glare," It's not funny. You're right."

Everyone else starts to laugh along with him," You're all assholes."

I chuckle at Aaron as he pouts," You ready to go home, Em?"

She looks up at me and nods," Sure. Bye, guys!"

I follow her out of the building after grabbing both our bags. She's quiet again as she climbs into my car and I throw our bags into the back. She plays her music and I don't complain as I roll the windows down and let my arm rest on the door. 

"Your team is really nice," She breaks the silence and I glance over at her for a moment," I know it's just the seniors but they're all really funny."

I smile," You seemed to really enjoy yourself. They won't let you leave now, I hope you know that. They have attachment issues."

She snorts," Like you don't."

"I never said I didn't," I flick the side of her head and she glares at me.

She shakes her head after a moment," You're an idiot."

I smile," Thank you."

As long as I'm her idiot, I don't care. I see the small smile that appears on her face and mine grows at the site. I love when I get her to smile when it's just us. It's always much harder to get her to smile when she's on her own. 

I finally pull up to her house and she climbs out. She leans back in and says with another smile that makes me want to die and live at the same time," Thanks for the ride, Jay. I'll see you tomorrow."

Before she can leave I call her back," Don't forget your stuff, Em. You do need that," She flips me off with a laugh and grabs her stuff out of the back," Goodnight, Em!"

I yell at her from my car window and she just waves me away but I can see her shoulders shaking from laughter. She can't always hide it from me.

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