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Everyone cheers around me as we skate off the rink. We won the first game of the season. I high-fived everyone on the team," Great job everyone."

I hear the familiar yelp of Emery and turn around to see Aaron pick her up and spin her. Jealousy turns in my stomach as she laughs," You guys were amazing."

My eyes snag on the shirt she's wearing. My eyes flick up to Aaron and my anger spikes. Why is Emery in his jersey? Aaron smiles at me and I resist the urge to throttle him," She looks great in a hockey jersey, doesn't she?"

"Yep," My voice is strained and I walk into the locker room. I have to take a few deep breaths before I calm down. She never wants to wear my stuff when she comes to my games. Why now? Why him? 

"It's just a shirt," Aaron claps me on the back as he walks past me to his locker," no hard feelings right?"

I glare at him and my fists clench at my side," Don't ruin my night, Davis."

I walk past him, grab my clothes, and hide myself in the showers. I use the time to calm me down the rest of the way. When I finally exit the locker room I don't feel as angry as before. I'm still jealous when I see her in his jersey again but it's manageable. She smiles at me when she notices me. 

I hug her finally and she hugs me back tightly. She smells like flowers," You did great out there. Especially when you shoved one of the other players into the wall and then proceeded to try and fight him."

I snort not pulling back fully yet," He deserved it. He shouldn't get in my way."

She rolls her eyes with a smile on her face," You almost got benched because of it."

"Really? I don't remember that" I joke and she pulls out of my arms," Why are you wearing Aaron's jersey?"

"He wanted me to," She says with a shrug. I don't say anything for a moment trying to calm myself," What?"

"You never wear mine."

She raises an eyebrow," You don't ask."

"Yes, I do," I tuck my hands into my pockets trying to keep from clenching them," I stopped asking because you were getting annoyed. There's a difference between the 'I'm being difficult annoyed' and 'I'm making you angry annoyed'. I don't like the second one."

"I wasn't getting annoyed," She's defensive and it's making me frustrated. 

I nod," You were. Your eyebrows get scrunched in the middle, you clench your fists, and you sigh rather than roll your eyes. You were getting angry when I asked you to wear my stuff but you seem perfectly happy to wear Davis's. Do you like him?"

She laughs," No! He's my... friend."

I rub a hand down my face trying not to be hurt by that," Okay."



My parents are walking up and I put on a smile for them. I just won a game, I should be happy," Hey Mom, Dad."

They pull me into quick hugs," You played great tonight, Jason."

"Thanks, Dad."

"Everything okay," Mom asks me. She can always tell when Emery and I get into a disagreement," You're tense."

I smile," Just tired. I think the team is going out for dinner tonight, you don't mind right?"

"Have fun with your friends," She squeezes my shoulder," We'll be at home when you get back. It was nice seeing you, Emery. Tell your mom I said hi."

She smiles," I will," My parents leave and she turns back to me as everyone else starts filing out of the locker room," Dinner?"

"Are you coming with us," Ace asks her and I look away finally.

She nods," Why not? I don't have anything else going on."

Aaron tosses her something," Here's your shirt. So you don't have to wear my stuff all night."

Thank God. I don't think I would have survived the night if Davis was written on her back. I might kill Aaron just for the fun of it. We wait for Emery to change and we all file out of the building together. Emery rides with Ace this time and I've never been more thankful for a gay man. I turn my music up loud to drown out my thoughts and follow the rest of the team to a small diner that we like. 

Aaron walks up to my car and I roll the window down," What?"

"Don't be mad at me, alright," He says," It wasn't my idea. I won't tell you who it was either. Em just agreed to it."

I sigh," It's fine."

"You really just have to tell her," Aaron advises.

I shake my head," She doesn't like me like that."

"You never know until you ask."

"When did you become so smart in what she likes?" He raises his hand in surrender and I immediately feel guilty," Sorry."

"Just focus on the win tonight," He pats my shoulder," Don't be in a piss pour mood because she won't wear your name across her back."

"I will strangle you."

"Peace, Briggs, peace. I don't like your girl like that. She's hot but she made it clear the first day."

"She's not my girl," I groan," I just want food. Can we get food?"


I step out of my car and we walk to the rest of the group. Emery gives me a curious look," What were you two talking about?"

I shrug," Nothing."

"Yeah, okay," She sighs and I feel bad again," You did do great tonight, just so you know."

I smile at her. A small one," Thanks."

She nods before taking a seat between Ace and Aaron. I try my best to joke with everyone else but I'm tired and want nothing more than to sleep. Or cry. I don't really know which one. Something in between that. 

"Hey, I think me and Jason are going to head out," Emery drags her hand up my arm as she passes me. It sends shock waves through my arm and I sit up a little straighter," Goodnight."

"Bye guys," I follow after her quickly," Why are we leaving?"

"You are exhausted and aren't even trying to hide it," She walks to the driver's side of my car and motions for the keys," Come on, you baby, I'll drive."

I toss her my keys without complaint. I rest my head on my hand as she pulls out of the parking lot. She turns the music down and I relax in my seat. I barely stay awake as we sit in silence. It's calmer now and I'm thankful. We're okay. That's all I need.

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