Chapter 34

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Violette talked for what seemed like hours, detailing every single thing she knew about the rebel's plan. Blaze's eyes were shooting daggers at her and that only made her smirk, which in turn made him angrier.

I wondered what that was about.

"That is all I know," she said after a while.

"Well, it certainly is a lot" Harlan pointed out. "And if everything you said is true, we will be able to save a lot of lives."

"We thank you for that" Selene added as she placed a hand on her still-flat stomach "All of us."

Damien hugged his mate to her. I assumed there was no point in hiding it, she could probably tell by her scent. I could barely discern a difference but it was there.

"I'm still not convinced we shouldn't lace her tea with pasture rose," Blaze said. 

I gave Harlan a look and he whispered "Pasture rose or wild rose is like aconite for vampires"

"What is the matter with you?" she asked, raising a perfectly groomed eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Blaze stepped closer.

"You absolutely despise me, I find it interesting, I often have the opposite effect" She explained with a smirk.

"You're a vampire, you attacked my friends."

"I didn't touch the half-ling and the beta attacked me first" She stood up, and even though the werewolf was taller - despite her wearing tall heels- her presence was more powerful, and so was her aura.

"Lies, all vampires do is lie" Blaze growled.

"Have you ever met a vampire before?" she teased. "I want to know what your source is."

"Yes," he got closer and closer to her.

"I do not count" she whispered so close to his lips I was surprised they didn't kiss. There was hatred in Blaze's face but Violette just looked amused.

"Okay, you two, either fuck, fight, or cut it out," Elowen said separating them. Violette blew him a kiss which nearly made him snap. That was it, Elowen said it eloquently. The tension between them could turn sexual in seconds. I would love to see where this goes.

"If it helps," I intervened "She's not lying."


Violette disappeared soon after, she left no trace she was even here except for an empty teacup with red lipstick around its rim. She snuck out while they planned, their minds were so focused and filled with worry that the atmosphere was heavy.

The vampire had informed us they planned to attack during the next new moon ceremony. Whatever that meant. No one explained, they were too busy.

Callum had gone back to his infirmary, probably to suffer alone. So I made my way to go see him, make sure he was okay.

"Come in," he said after I knocked on his door.

"Hey," I said with a comforting smile "How are you doing?"

"Fine," Callum said sarcastically. "I've been trying to convince Violette not to continue with her death crusade ever since we met, vampires are so dramatic." He sighed. 

"She has been through a lot," I said calmly.

"You have no idea," Callum said holding the little vial of vampire blood he'd shown me that day. "Violette has lived a life of treason, loss, and tragedy. But what can I do? It is her choice after all,"

"You want my opinion?" I asked.

"Please" Callum ran his hands through his auburn hair.

"Don't give up on her,  not until the last minute. It is not your duty to save her, but as a friend, it will be nearly impossible to sit there and do nothing" I looked him in the eye and he nodded.

"But that is not why you're here" he guessed "It may be part of it, but there is more."

I looked down and started nervously wringing my hands "I know there is no need for this anymore but, I've decided I want my memories back."

"Harlan would kill me, and so would my cousin" I was about to ask but he shook his head "I won't do it unless it is necessary."

"But it is, Violette told us everything she knew, but even she had no idea who the head of the rebels is" I reasoned "I do. I want to do my part."

"You don't owe any of us anything, Diana" Callum started pacing. His loose faerie-like clothes dance with the movement.

"Please Callum, I want to know what happened," I wasn't sure before but I was now. I needed to help them.

"That is your right, but I also have the right to refuse." He did, he was right.

"Then teach me how to do it myself" I suggested "Remember when my soul came out of my body? That was magic, it means I can do it" I had been thinking about it before, that strange episode where my body was still in my bed but my soul was wandering around.

"Every supernatural creature can do magic, especially a half-ling that had witches in her family," Callum said calmly. I realized that my grandmother was a witch a bit later than I would have liked. Yes, it was obvious, but you have to understand I never believed in this stuff, to me it was a bunch of nonsense.

"How did you know?" That was the question, I don't remember mentioning it to him.

"I researched your family" he admitted with a coy smile "After that astral projection situation" he giggled at the rhyme.

"You staked me?" I asked feigning outrage.

"Do you even know what that means?" he asked, making me feel old.

"Of course I do, I am not that old, geez" I gave him a look and he only put up his hands defensively.

"Sorry," he smiled.

"Now that you called me old, you owe me" I waved a finger in his face.

"Fine, if you want me to teach you I will, but I don't promise any results. Teaching magic is hard, teaching magic to a skeptic..." Callum looked at the ceiling to avoid my pleading gaze. "Stop that, I said I would do it!"

And so my training with Callum started.


I returned to my room with half of my clothes singed off and smelling like ashes.

"Damn," Harlan said leaning on his doorframe.

"Don't tell me I look like hell" I warned and he only smirked in return. God, he was so hot. Why was he so hot?

"I heard you asked for your memories back" I was about to ask why but I remembered wolf telepathy.

"Thought it might be best to stop avoiding my issues" I lied and he knew it too, he was aware I was doing this because of our friends. Yes, our friends, because that is what Selene and Damien had been to me, the most loyal of friends.

"You're really brave" was all he said, I was expecting objections or commands.

"Is that all you're going to say?" I blurted out.

"You have made a decision, I can tell" Harlan sighed "I am not a good man Di, I would love to forbid you from doing it, I would love to lock you up and protect you from everything so nothing can ever hurt you again" Was he kidding? I was about to speak when he said "But I won't. Instead, I'm going to say what Damien told Selene not too long ago."

"What is that?" 

"I am going to do everything in my power to protect you. But your decisions are and always will be yours to make." His eyes softened as he spoke "I won't pretend I know what is best for you again, I am capable of learning from my mistakes" he smiled. He was talking about how he decided he was bad for me and disappeared from my life.

I smiled at his words, and I wasn't sure if he was quoting him word for word or if it was his interpretation, but I felt the sentiment in them. He was trying to be better, doing his best to be good.

I understood as I looked into his hazel eyes that I couldn't deny it for much longer.

I was falling in love with him.

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