Chapter 6

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H a r l a n

 Last night

Harlan hated border control, he always had, ever since he was a boy. Running around aimlessly, standing guard for hours, doing absolutely nothing. He knew this was pointless, the rebels were not going to show up, and they lacked the guts to deal with him or with his brother. 

His brother was the alpha of the North American pack. The pack was so humongous he had to appoint several other alphas that were in charge of different territories just so he could keep control of it all. It worked splendidly, that way he didn't have to kill any other alphas the moment they were born - which was what their father used to do.

The rebels were a few of the older wolfs that had been around when the last alpha was in charge. They didn't like the way things were being handled and decided to try and take down the new leader. They knew they wouldn't be able to take on any of the new regimens directly, they would all die the second they tried. So they started killing newbies, women, and children that had nothing to do with any of this. Fuck, Harlan hated them.

He wouldn't deny he wished they did show up, just so he could get the satisfaction of ripping out their throats with his teeth. Now that he would enjoy. The mere thought even made him smile.

'Feeling murderous, aren't you, brother?'  He heard Damien's voice in his head.

'Very' Harlan admitted to his alpha as he lowered his head in salute. His brother's wolf form was very similar to his, the only main differences were his eyes and the color of his fur. But other than that, they were basically twins. 'You're coming with me?' Harlan asked, he couldn't remember the last time Damien accompanied him on such a boring task.

As the beta, Harlan wouldn't even usually be in charge of this, this was a task for a common pack warrior, which was why Harlan was so bewildered he had been asked to do this. 

'I'm beginning to think you are scared brother' Harlan teased, but it was a genuine fear. His brother would have never asked the second-strongest male in the pack to go out and control his borders if he wasn't scared.

'I am' he shamelessly admitted 'We fought a seemingly endless war, But I thought it would end the moment we killed Father but I don't know... It seems like it has just begun' he admitted. 'That is why the gammas are guarding the border with the US while we make sure our camp is safe.' 

'I can't imagine Elowen being happy about that' Harlan joked, gammas were like the generals of the pack and Elowen was very proud of her duty. She would have hated to do such a menial task.

'Yeah, I had to enlist Arden's help to convince her. Who was, in turn, very happy to take a trip ' Arden was Elowen's mate. They were complete opposites, but both of them were very strong gammas who fought extremely well. 'Blaze went without questioning, as always' Blaze was the other gamma, he was extremely driven and focused. He was the perfect soldier, a man that never questioned orders. Harlan knew Damien secretly hoped he would find his mate soon, that was the reason he hadn't appointed another gamma to fill the remaining spot.

'I don't think you need to worry' Harlan changed the subject as they slowly walked around the area of their little clearing - which wasn't little at all. 'You are doing a good job, most of the pack alphas are okay with the new rules.'

'I'd like to think that--' Something distracted Damien for a mere second, his red eyes glowing fiercely. A second later it hit Harlan as well. Blood, a lot of it. And a foreign scent from another wolf. 'Let's go' was all that he said before he went into a sprint. Harlan followed without hesitation but they separated so that they could cover more ground.

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