Chapter 23

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Despite having been drunk off my ass, I woke up remembering everything and not having thrown up once. If my head hadn't been killing me I might even say being a werewolf was not so bad.

I, of course, was embarrassed I assumed Harlan was dating his sister and then called him a dragon but he seemed okay with it... For some reason. Should I be worried?  Knowing him, he would tease me for the rest of my life. Which could be long or short, I honestly hadn't asked how long werewolves lived.

But I had a feeling that I would be okay living a long life surrounded by these people. Especially Harlan. I felt closer to him, he had protected me multiple times and I was more than grateful.

I hadn't had a friend in a long time, so I couldn't know if that was what he was. But maybe he was so much more.

"Diana?" Gemma knocked on my door. Interrupting my thoughts.

"Come in," I said calmly.

"I brought you a salad, I know it is weird to have for breakfast but it is all I know how to cook," she said, I knew she was lying, I could hear her heartbeat. Harlan probably told her about our conversation yesterday, I was trying to decide if it was bothering me.

I decided it didn't.

I stared at the dish waiting for it to bring some awful flashback, it was only when nothing came that I remembered to say: "Thank you,"  I started eating, it was dry and very leafy, just what I needed.

"Thought you might need your strength, the trip back is tiring" She smiled as soon as she saw me take a second bite. Her gold-green eyes, twins to Damien's, glowed with delight. I couldn't believe I didn't piece they were siblings earlier, they looked so alike.

I almost got too distracted to hear what she said. "Trip back?" I asked.

"You're going back to Miracle today, didn't Harlan tell you?" She asked, surprised.

"He didn't" I stared at the ground. Maybe going to Miracle would be good, getting away from this city, where everything happened. Leaving everything behind, starting fresh. I was hesitant, but maybe it could be good.

"If you don't want to leave you don't have to," she offered "You can stay with me, I'm alone most of the time, I could use the company." It must be hard being away from your pack, but if I understood it correctly someone had to run the company while Damien ran things in Miracle.

But she must have someone here, like her partner or whatever it was called.

"Don't you have a...mate?" I said unsure I was saying the word right.

She giggled "No, at least not yet, usually, it takes some time," she started "Sel and Damien were lucky they found each other so fast."

"How did they know?" I asked, it seemed like something I should have wondered about before.

"They knew until they kissed for the first time" she smiled "But it can vary."


"First time they touch, the first time they sleep together, or sometimes not even the first time," Gemma said with a smile "It can happen any day at any time, and don't worry it will happen to you soon," she mentioned, hoping it would give me some hope. But she also said that with that knowing smile, the one she gave me yesterday when I asked about Harlan.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"It's my talent, I'm a soulfinder" was all she said as she got up. What the fuck was that? And what was she implying? Me and Harlan?

I thought for a moment "Are you saying me and Harlan--"

"I'm not saying anything" She put up her arms in defense. "I hope you aren't Harlan's mate."

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