Chapter 63

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Today was a very hot day. Everyone in the market was almost bathing in sweat. Tabinda paid the shopkeeper and grabbed the shopping bags of fruits and vegetables before walking back home. Her perspiration was flowing over her face. She was still halfway when she stopped when someone came in front of her.

"Let me carry this for you." Tabinda had to stretch her neck to look up as this tall, handsome young man was her Nisha's husband. She gave the bags to him without any complaints.

"How are you, Aunt?" Ruhaan asked respectfully, smiling at her. They were walking side by side now.

He now wanted to see how things could be amended. His Daddy snatched away Tabinda's biggest support from her. He would try to fill that void that he created. By using the excuse of coming here for Nisha's books as Tabinda earlier mentioned, he chose to actually take the whole situation in his hand.

At first, he didn't know whether Nisha had forgiven him or not but now she had clearly said it. So there was no chance of them getting separated just for some old rivalries and hurt egos.

Tabinda just nodded in answer. He was talking gently with her even though she thought he might confront her about Aliyan's incident as she seemed to be the one involved in this, even though it wasn't her intention. This just made her admit Ruhaan Sufiyan Ahmad wasn't a bad guy at all. What he did was just situation driven and what was expected of him as his father's son. And this established the fact that parents shouldn't include their children in their rivalries.

Ruhaan proved to be a considerate, calm, and devoted person. He was the best father for his children, a loving husband for Nisha, a good grandson for Rutba Begum, and perhaps everywhere else as well.

They reached the house. Tabinda was amazed he didn't use his car just for her honor's sake. He had parked it somewhere near the market when he noticed her. Ruhaan settled the things on the lounge table.

"How is my Nisha?" Tabinda questioned him.

"She isn't happy without you. Just like she used to cry when she got married to me in the exchange of your anger, this time as well nothing changed," he shrugged his shoulders.

Tabinda gasped. "My daughter is so innocent. I keep on hurting her."

Ruhaan shook his head. "Don't say this. Parents never intend bad for you. Nisha knows this."

A side of Tabinda's lip flung up. "Are you saying this?"

Ruhaan plopped his hands in his pockets. "Yes. My Daddy did the same. He hid this fact from us so that we wouldn't feel ashamed of him. But in the long run, it cost me. I hurt a pure and lovely girl like Nisha. But I believe, it did me a favor as well. I found her. Someone whom I could call my soulmate."

"Do you really love her?" She didn't know how she said it.

Ruhaan inhaled. "She resides in my heart. She has captured my soul and my whole being just belongs to her."

"Will you bring Nisha's books?" He suddenly changed the topic, something for which he really came here. But there was nothing like this for Tabinda to ask him to come. She finally wanted these words to flow out of her mouth that she was happily giving her daughter to Ruhaan.

"Sit. I'll bring it," she mumbled. Ruhaan nodded and occupied the sofa in the lounge. After a while, Tabinda came out with a glass of water. Ruhaan raised a brow in confusion.

She plopped the glass on the table in front of him. "Have water."

"How is Aliyan? And Eshal?" She implored, sitting on the sofa opposite him.

Ruhaan sipped the water. "The kids are doing well."

"Nisha's books?" He again asked.

Tabinda sighed. "Ruhaan, I want to talk to you. Will you give me a few minutes?"

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