Chapter 8

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As she was in hurry to wash that stain from her shirt as soon as possible, she nearly ran and bumped into something hard.

"Aish...can you not walk properly? Don't you have eyes?" Someone shouted which made her flinch. With that, a loud thud voice came. Nisha's jaw dropped when she discovered different colored ice cream kissing the floor. When she clashed with that person, the ice cream fell from her hand.

She looked up to find a beautiful girl having crystal blue eyes which was the most attractive trait on her face. The rest of her features weren't anything less beautiful. She had straight brown medium-sized hair falling on her shoulders, in a layer fashion. She had a fair skin tone, a straight nose, and plump lips. She was indeed looking like a princess from those Disney stories. She looked quite young, probably the same age as her. She was wearing a T-pink shirt with a blue cardigan and matching jeans.

She just caused so much damage to her. What would she do now? She even looked like she was really rich. She shuddered at the thought.

"I...I am sorry. I was in a hurry so I couldn't see you. I am truly sorry," Nisha mumbled while giving her an apologetic smile.

The girl glared at her as though she was going to eat her alive. "You--"

"What's wrong Rami?" A male voice came to her ears which made her turn her head right; towards its source.

"Bhai, look what she has done," the girl whined like a small child.

That was when the guy looked at her. She always thought that Haider was the most handsome guy she had ever seen, but Haider himself was nothing in front of this guy. He had the same blue eyes as the girl who was most probably his sister. But his eyes were more charming than her. They felt like the ocean in which she was feeling like drowning. They held a magnetic power towards which she sensed herself pulling. He had a small yet attractive face. A slim and pointed nose with high cheekbones, beautifully adorned by black stubble. He looked so gorgeous and elegant to be even true.

He was wearing a tight plain white shirt that was hugging his perfect chiseled biceps and broad muscular chest with grey dress pants.

"It's okay, baby. I'll buy another one for you," he coaxed the girl by lovingly patting her shoulders.

"But I wanted to eat ice cream right now," the girl was still not going to lose. She once again complained. The guy smiled at her in adoration.

"I will bring you new ice cream in a few seconds. You go and sit there. Count till twenty and your brother will be here." He pointed at the table on the far left behind them. The girl pouted and followed his gesture. She nodded before walking to where he referred her.

The guy peeked at her for a split second but didn't say anything and strolled back towards the counter to probably order new ice cream. Nisha bit her lower lip in apprehension as her eyes heeded his figure. She took a deep breath of relief that he didn't make a scene out of the situation which he could have easily done. Not wanting to stay near the mess she created, she headed towards the washroom, this time not too fast to bump into anyone since not all the people are the same as that kind guy and did what she came here for the first place.


Unaiza straightened her back and let the cramps get out of her back muscles. She let out an exhale of mitigation looking at she was finally able to do what she was trying for hours. She twitched her fingers to get the pangs out of them too before removing her big glasses from her eyes. She placed the laptop beside her on the bed. It was past eleven at night already. She closed her eyes and began giving herself a self-massage on the shoulder blades, arms, and back.

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