Chapter 62

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"Nisha, are you mad at your mother?" Rutba Begum asked.

Nisha quickly shook her head. "No, Dadi Jaan. Who told you this?"

"Your mother is very anxious. She thinks you are furious at her because of what happened to Aliyan but Nisha--"

"Dadi Jaan, I know Ammi didn't have any bad intentions. It was just an accident," she interrupted her.

"Then why are you doing this?" Rutba Begum was seriously confused.

"Because I love her. I already hurt her enough and now I want to always keep her happy. I know, Dadi Jaan, I know Ammi loves my children. It was just that Aliyan looked like Ruhaan so her hatred for him and his father got manifested by looking at Aliyan. Her avoidance also made sense. She didn't want to hurt my little baby. I just did that for both her and Aliyan's betterment," she explained.

"Keeping your mother happy by staying away from your child?" She finally understood Nisha's stance and it made her feel bad for her.

"I am also a daughter. Just like I love Aliyan, Ammi loves me too. This is the least I can do for her," she mumbled, fumbling with her fingers.

"Nisha, you don't have to do that, my dear. Why do you always torture yourself?" Rutba Begum uttered in terror.

"It's okay. I am getting late. I should leave now," she announced, standing up.

"May Allah gives you everything you want" She in the end gave her a dua which made her stiff.

She wanted Ruhaan Sufiyan Ahmad; his love, his respect, him beside her forever. But not all prayers get listened to. And she expected this one also not to get heard.


Her whole world was shattering in front of her eyes and she couldn't do anything. Her life's whole asset, her reason to live, her heartbeat, and her precious daughter were not happy solely due to her. Nisha was miserable due to her. That little Aliyan was in ICU due to her negligence. How many times did Nisha ask her indirectly to take care of him? She must have also noticed what bad behavior Tabinda was showing toward that innocent baby. But she hurt both of them. And now Nisha was angry at her. She left the house and now she had to live away from her small child just because of her.

How much Nisha would suffer because of this retaliation? She had no link to this. She always remained loyal to her even when Ruhaan wanted to make her rebellious. Even after falling in love with Ruhaan, Nisha tried her best to avoid him and stay devoted to her parents. The circumstances even united them but yet after Ruhaan's truth came out, Nisha didn't stray away from her path.

Tabinda knew Nisha still loved that guy but she was aware of this fact as well that one of the reasons why Nisha was seeking divorce was just to keep her promise and commitment to her.

That day after Nisha left with the kids, she felt everything gloomy and the house so haunted. Then she realized how much she loved her grandchildren. She was missing Aliyan's cute naughtiness and Eshal's innocence.

She couldn't sleep the whole night. The next morning, when she was cleaning the house, she found Sufiyan's letter on Nisha's study table. Ruhaan brought it for her to look over it but she didn't even spare a glance at it that time. She didn't know what came into her mind but she unfolded the piece of paper and started reading it.

She knew everything written here as Sufiyan had said the same thing many times to her in the past but the difference was she never opened up her mind to let the words make a meaning. She was unforgiving and rigid. Thinking that the loss which Sufiyan Ahmad gave her and her daughter would not get pacified this mere forgiveness. Or perhaps she thought a person could never change. But Sufiyan giving Nisha some share of his property proved he was ashamed for what he did and his apologies were genuine and sincere. When it came to her heart, Tabinda's eyes opened then.

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