𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟔

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♫ So if you're the one she lets in, take it
If she gives you her heart, don't you break it
Let your arms be a place she feels safe in
She's the best thing that you'll ever have
She'll love you if you love her ♫

Carlos Sainz POV

Summer break of 2023 arrived and everything was ready for our wedding, I was nervous as hell while everyone got ready. This was treated almost like a royal wedding because it had big names from F1, Spain, and many other things, including golf. Most of the drivers were invited and are able to attend so it is packed. There is a lot of security around the venue to ensure no one is recorded.

"She must be almost here son. You look great" My dad says patting my shoulder proudly while everyone waited for the bride, which was late as predicted.

"Mom, is she coming already?" I ask when I see my mom and sisters getting in. They were all together at the hotel, Mariana and Camila will bring Maya down the aisle.

"She must be arriving at any minute. They left at the same time as us. But I think they went through another road because we lost sight of the car" Ana says confusedly and I nod.

"Let's give them 10 minutes and let's call them then" Mom says calmly and I nod. But those 10 minutes were passing slowly. I picked up Mateo because he was walking all over the place and it was stressing me.

"I will call Camila" Blanca says after the 10 minutes pass. I watched as 3 people called to the three different girls and none of them picked up. Something is not right.

"She wouldn't take this long. They didn't get lost. It was a 10-minute ride from the hotel" I am stressed and my voice was showing exactly that. The good part is that nobody seems to understand what is happening.

"They arrived" My mom says looking at the door of the church and seeing a red car parking. She is here, I took a deep breath and the doors are closed.

Everyone goes to their places and I feel my panic turn into anxiety. Mateo is quietly by my side sitting on one of the steps because I guess he knows his mom is getting in and she did. The doors opened and I saw Maya, my relief was quickly taken by amazement, she is gorgeous. She looks like a princess with the white dress on her, she chose it wisely. I smiled and I felt my eyes getting watery. Mateo held my hand and smiled up at me.

"I'm sorry for being late, Camila left the hotel with slippers" She whispers when she arrives by my side

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"I'm sorry for being late, Camila left the hotel with slippers" She whispers when she arrives by my side. She kisses Mateo before he ran to my mom's arms.

"I almost left this church to find you" I whisper kissing her hand and turning to the priest.

The ceremony started and I felt myself thinking about everything we went through, how it all started. It started with the surprise pregnancy and turned into me meeting the love of my life. I fell for her slowly but surely. I know I love her, I know I would die for her and I know this is something I would do anything to make it last forever.

Moving On ✩ Carlos Sainz JrWhere stories live. Discover now