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♪ Yeah, I started thinkin' maybe I should move out
You know, pack my car, take a new route ♪

Carlos Sainz POV

After I and Maya left the restaurant I texted my sisters asking if they could make it to lunch tomorrow and after they confirmed I texted my parents, letting them know we would all be having lunch and to have an extra seat available. I and Maya got there and I knew my sisters were there already. My mom was waiting at the door for me and I open the car door for Maya, giving her my hand to be easier. She got out and my mom was surprised but still smiled.

"It's so good to see you baby" She says hugging me and I hug her back.

"You too mom, you look lovely. This is Maya" I say and they smile at each other.

"It's nice to meet you. Welcome to our home" She says giving her a quick hug.

"Thank you for welcoming me" Maya says and we get in, they were in the living room talking and laughing. They saw us and stopped a bit surprised but still smiled.

"Family, this is Maya. She came with Carlos" My mom says excitedly.

"Maya, you are gorgeous, I need your routine" Ana says making Maya smile.

"Thank you" She says after we are done greeting each other. Each one of them hugged me and gave her a quick hug.

"Lunch is ready" Mum says and we all get at the table.

"So how did you two meet?" My dad asks after a few minutes of us eating.

"We met at a club when I had the race in Barcelona. Like 2 months ago" I say and my older sister laughs.

"Oh, you didn't appear for lunch the day after and only came for dinner. You looked more tired than after training and races" Blanca says and I cough.

"I don't want to be rude, but is it really over with Isa?" My dad asks and I nod.

"I told you it was" I say and Maya looks a bit confused.

"Isa is my ex, her name was Isabel Hernaez, the one I broke up with in January. I didn't want to take the next step after 3 years and she wanted to get married, have kids and all that" I say, I notice Maya widens her eyes and I nod so she could understand I knew what she was thinking.

"So, are you and Maya together now? Is that why she is here? You were never this fast introducing a woman to family" Mom says confused. I look at Maya to see if she wanted to go ahead but she shakes her head.

"It's your family. You can say it" She almost whispers and I see everyone was waiting for what was about to come.

"Maya is pregnant, we are having a baby together" I say and the shock is all over their faces.

"Is this a prank? You just said you left a long-term relationship because she wanted all that with you" Ana says suspicious of the situation.

"Do you have the pictures?" I ask and Maya looks through her purse and gives them to me, I give them to my parents and see my mom smile.

"I'm happy for you, I understood when you talked to me after it ended and even before. I'm happy for both of you and anything you need Maya, we are here for you. You are part of the family now" My mom says and I smile.

"Thank you mom, I knew you understood what I meant. I understand it now too" I say and she widens her smile.

"How old are you Maya?" I hear my dad ask and she seems surprised by the question.

"I'm 23, going for 24 in October" She says and he smiles.

"You are almost Ana's age. How are you dealing with all of this? Are you alright? Did your family give you a hard time?" He asks and she looks down.

"Both of my parents are deceased, I have no siblings and neither did they. My grandparents are unfortunately deceased too so it's just me on my side. I live with my two best friends and they are my family now" She says and I think I got sad because I had no idea. She said she couldn't mentally do the abortion and she was in no position to have it alone and now I understand why.

"Well, we are in Madrid way more than Carlos so when you need to talk or have some company we will be happy to give you whatever it is that you need" Dad says and I was surprised.

"Can I show them?" I ask and she quickly realizes.

"Of course. Do it" She says excitedly.

"I have a video of the heartbeat and the ultrasound" I say and they all get up from the table and surround both of us to see it.

"I don't want to cry but I already want to hold that baby so bad" Mom says with tears in her eyes after they all sat down again. Maya watched us all with a smile and I think I knew what she was thinking.

"I saw that video and thought the same, it changed my mind in a second. How did such a small video make me feel so eager to see this human being in a few months?" I ask and she lets out a laugh.

"Being a father, or mother, is the thing people only know when they go through it. It's not the same for everyone but it is indeed beautiful for most people who did it" Mom says still emotional.

"Do you know the time the baby is supposed to be due?" Blanca asks Maya curiously.

"The doctor said between the end of January and the beginning of February. I have an ultrasound in two weeks for the 3 months mark, she will be more sure but she said it will be for sure around that time unless something happens. I wish it doesn't but I don't know" Maya says with a big smile and I smile too.

"Can I go?" I ask and she nods.

"Of course you can, you are the dad. I will make sure to have some copies for all of you to see" Maya says and they smile.

"All I have to say is: Welcome to the Sainz family" Ana says and Maya laughs.

"We have to say that to the baby when he is born, he will definitely be a Sainz" Maya says happily.

"I mean, I can almost bet you will be a Sainz someday though" Ana says and I kick her under the table to which she shows me her tongue and almost does me the finger but my mom saw it and gave her a death stare.

Moving On ✩ Carlos Sainz JrWhere stories live. Discover now