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♪ "I'm sorry", that's fine
I just think I need a little me time
I just think I need a little free time ♪

Maya Martinez POV

I shouldn't but I heard the heartbeat, it was fast and it was a human being, I couldn't deny it. I made a video to show Carlos, I asked her for the pictures, and she said it all looked normal and healthy but time would tell. She made a report so I could show him and told me I had four weeks if I wanted to pursue an abortion, after that it wouldn't be legal.

I got to the waiting room where Camila and Mariana waited and I broke down crying. I can't believe this is real. They took me home and I was finally able to calm down after an hour while they waited by my side.

"So, did he at least answer?" She asks and I nod.

"He is in the UK, he will be here on Monday for us to talk, but- I heard the heartbeat. I don't know if I can go through an abortion and I can't have him, I have nothing to give to this baby" I say trying not to cry.

"You two can make that decision as the parents. We will support you with whatever you choose. We aren't much help but you would never have to pay a babysitter, that's for sure" Mariana says and I let out a laugh.

"Well, that would be a sure thing. But I don't know if I can make the decision to end it. Even if he pays for it"

"Take these three days to think about it and how you are gonna talk it out with him. We will be here to see you sob and eat junk food all you want" Camisa says and I nod.

That was my weekend. I cried, laughed, and cried again while eating barely anything because this anxiety was killing me. Monday morning I didn't cry, I was ready for it. If I had made a decision? No. And when he texted me I wanted to crawl inside a hole and die, I couldn't do it so I got dressed, went to the restaurant and when I got there he was already waiting. He looked even more gorgeous than the last time, even in the daylight he is handsome, even more than I remember.

"Hola. I booked a table in a private area. I don't know if that's okay with you?" He says with a huge smile as soon as I get to his side.

"I don't mind" I say and we head inside. We got to the second floor and it was really private, there were only three tables there and the environment was way different than downstairs. We ordered something and I tried to make small talk before releasing the bomb.

"So you are an F1 driver, right? How did this weekend go?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I scored some points but it could definitely have been better. I signed for Ferrari this year so I'm getting used to the car and I really like what I do" He says pretty excitedly and I smile. He has a passion for it, it's not just the money.

"That's great, the next one will be better then" I say picking my glass up to take a sip and I just now realized I fucked up. He ordered a good wine, which I can't drink, and seafood which I can't eat while pregnant.

"Are you okay? You went pale suddenly" He says worriedly.

"Hm- I- Can you request another drink? A soft drink maybe? Or Water?" I ask and he nods pretty confusedly.

"Yeah, I ordered the wine without asking, I'm sorry" He says making a sign for the waiter, he had three tables so he was not as busy as they usually are.

"It's fine" I say and the waiter is by our side by then.

"Can you bring a Coca-Cola for her please?" He asks looking at me for approval and I nod.

"Of course" He says happily.

"I know you are specialized in seafood but is there any chance I can eat another thing or maybe a plate with only shrimp or something?" I ask and he seems surprised.

"We have some plates that have only shrimp, do you want to exchange for one of those? Maybe some past with shrimp, it's amazing here" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah, that would be great" I say and he nods, he gets out and quickly brings my drink and exchanges the glasses.

"Maya, what is happening? Why are we here?" He asks sounding confused and worried.

"Carlos. I found out on the 15th that I'm pregnant, 10 weeks pregnant" I say and he now turns pale and he freezes.

I go into my bag and take the photos and report made by the doctor and put it on the table. He just stared at it completely in shock.

"I- Shit" Carlos says still shocked and shit was the thing I would describe this situation at best.

"Hm- I have a video too. 10 weeks means the heart is fully developed and his heartbeat is super fast so it can be scary but he looks healthy and for the abortion to be legal has to be carried in the next 4 weeks maximum" I say and give him the video, he watches and then puts the volume up and still had a shocked expression on.

"Maya, weren't you 23? It's not my choice to make, it's your body and your life" He says and I think he was trying to be rational.

"I am 23, I just got out of college, and I know I'm not in a position to do this. I just wasn't going to make the decision all by myself. I'm not the most strong person mentally so this choice will be done by both of us" I say and he runs his hand through his hair.

I'm almost having a panic attack from how much anxiety I'm feeling right now. I can't handle this.

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