Lightning in a Bottle.

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Episode 9, Lighting in a Bottle.

The Royal heirs look for Aja's missing Serrator in the forest, where they mistake Trollhunter Jim Lake's amulet of Daylight for her lost weapon.

( In the Forest. )

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

After what had happened, a day after that The three teens snuck out of The Mother Ship again to go to the Forest and Search for Aja's Serrator.

" Where is it? " Y/n asked as she looked up at the Wooden arms of the tree's Incase the Serrator is there.

" My Serrator must be around here somewhere. " Aja exclaimed as she quickly walked around darting her eyes everywhere.

" We should have brought Varvatos. We could use an extra pair of eyes. " Krel exclaimed as he followed after the two.

Aja groaned as she walked through the bushes. " Ugh! We should have brought Stuart. " She looked right beside her seeing initials carved on a tree.

She touched it and smiled. " Aw! " Y/n looked at where she's looking, letting out a huff as she smiled. Maybe she can put their Initials in there too.

Krel only groaned as he looked at what the two were looking at a few sectons ago. " Ugh! " He rolled his eyes and quickly catched up right beside Y/n.

Y/n looked up at the Wooden arms once more while Aja searched for her Serrator in the bushes. " Varvatos can't learn I've lost my Serrator. "

Krel made his way towards the two, stepping on Raccoon poop on the way. " If he does, he won't train me anymore! " Aja added, Resting her hands on her hips.

Krel placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder, balancing himself as he raised his foot that stepped on poop. " Kleb! I hate raccoons. They poop everywhere! " He yelled, holding on Y/n's shoulder as he shook the poop off his foot.

Y/n used a hand to cover her smile, turning her head to Aja who sighed. " It must be here somewhere. " She placed a hand on her chin.

" Maybe over that rock with the.. "

" Moss on the side. " The three of them said unison. Krel groaned, turning to his sister.

Y/n clapped once as she looked up at the night sky, ready to give up any secton now. " Wonderful. " She commented.

" We've been going around in circles! " Krel yelled in frustration, stepping in a circular motion only to step on the Raccoon poop again.

" Ugh! Fligshaag! " He rubbed his foot on the grass harshly.

Y/n held her hands together. " Perhaps you left your Serrator at school? " She questioned, pointing a hand at Aja.

A bird warbles within the Woods making Krel gasp and get his guard up. He walked closer behind Y/n who only stepped a bit further away from him.

" What? " Krel asked, opening his arms, clearly offended because why would she move away from him, that's so unlike her.

Y/n pointed at his foot before laughing quietly. " It smells. " She waved her hand Infront of her nose. Krel glared at her before Huffing and went back to harshly rubbing the poop off of his foot.

Aja rolled her eyes at the two. " Y/n, we're talking about a highly advanced weapon here. " She exclaimed, kneeling back down to search in the bushes.

" I wouldn't leave it in my locker. " She glared as she continued on searching for the Serrator. She wants to continue training to be a warrior, she can't go down like this.

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