28 - Change in Plans

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I woke up in the perfumed bed and sighed wearily. I stared blankly at the canopy holding the satin curtains, lifting my arm up and playing around with little wads of fire in the palm of my hand. After my mind became somewhat sober, I rolled off of the bed with some of the blankets still tangled and caught on my leg.

I trudged to the large bathroom attached to the bedroom and spotted the bath filled with hot water. The swirling steam gave the room a surreal and dreamy atmosphere. I drowsily stripped off my clothes and dived into the warm water. The rosewater splashed out of the large tub in small waves.

The warmth enveloped my body, lulling me into a lethargic state. My eyes were half-closed as I struggled to stay awake.

After an indiscernible amount of time, two clear knocks woke me from my half-sleeping stupor. My head which was lolled to the side jerked up hastily and my eyes jumped around the foggy bathroom in confusion. I looked at the lack of coverage on my body and yelped.

"Wait, don't come-" Before I could finish my sentence, I could hear the door swinging open and the steps growing nearer.

"I'm here." A voice said. I paled and immediately flailed around the bath, trying to get out of the tub but continuously slipping. If it's not the maid's voice, is it-

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't come here because I wanted to see you or anything," the prince quickly clarified, his footsteps growing louder as he searched the room.

I eventually succeeded in getting out of the bath and hurriedly looked for a towel in the bathroom. The steps grew closer. I cursed the fact that there were no doors to the bathroom and spotted a towel hanging on the opposing wall of the bathroom.

After fully sobering from sleep, I managed to remember that I could speak. In panic, I screamed, "Wait, I'm not dre-"

The footsteps paused. I looked behind me and saw the prince's blank face. His hands instantly shot up to cover his eyes and he flusteredly denied, "I-I didn't see anything!"

My face was red with anger. "Pervert!" I pointed at him furiously and trudged towards him. "You were trying to peek! I'll set you on fire, I will!" I held my hand up and huffed fiercely.

"Well... well, was it my fault that you never told me you were bathing? I'm innocent!" He shouted defensively with an embarrassed face.

I stomped my foot indignantly. "Lies!"

"I am not!" He threw his hands down vehemently and his eyes immediately widened in panic. He hurriedly turned around and ran towards the other side of the room.

I then remembered that I was still unclothed. I let out a piercing cry and hurriedly wrapped the towel hanging next to me around my waist. "What did you see!"

"I saw nothing, nothing! Accuser!"

At a certain point, the maid who came along with the prince had left, leaving me in a long, subtle silence.

At this point, my face had turned redder than an overripe tomato. All I wanted to do was bury myself back into the water to drown out the humiliation I felt. Twisting my head to face the prince, I saw his face and immediately wanted to cough out blood.

"Why are you blushing, huh? Do you have something to say!"

"It's really small..." he mumbled. My eyes grew wide in outrage.

"Shut up!" I fumed.


With both of our faces steaming hot, we looked down at our laps. A four-tiered cake stand sat on top of the glass surface of the tea table. My stomach felt exceedingly empty, but I refused to be the one to make the first move. My stomach emitted a low, long growling sound in protest.

Don't Come Near Me, I'm Just a Background Character [BL Harem]Where stories live. Discover now