2 - The Butler

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(A/N: Don't worry guys, I'll introduce one of the fishes in this chapter! Persevere, and you shall receive~)

I woke up at something close to dawn. Rubbing my eyes wearily, and stood on the cottony mattress. I nimbly drew the canopy curtains and jumped off the bed.

One month until my predestined death. And I wasn't any closer to finding out how Remis died.

Actually, that wasn't completely accurate. I had a very viable assumption.

During my time in this world, I had used my status as a 'baby' to weasel my way into situations to gain intelligence on the family and the format of the world, while acting completely harmless and innocent.

The Ramond marquisate.

The Xenith countdom is a national economic trading power which allows a lot of cash to flow through Vires Kingdom. Xenith's direct competitor is the Ramond marquisate, which has a lesser slice of the far-reaching trading economy. The marquisate's connections are mainly in its home kingdom, Nyiel, and it does not have that many extensive connections with any foreign country.

The Ramond family has always held grudges against the Xenith, and was fairly well-known for their unscrupulous morals. Recently, the Nyiel royal family has tried to restrain the marquisate's abilities to a certain extent to try and preserve its relations with the Xenith countdom. However, Nyiel couldn't completely limit the marquis' power, as the Ramond Family was also a vital part of its kingdom's economy.

Thus, it wouldn't be shocking if the marquis decided to stage an unwarranted attack on the countdom in the near future.

Say, a month from now.

However, this brings another question. Why exactly would they assassinate Remis Xenith, the second born and second-in-line to the title of Family Head?

While Remis—or me, I should say—was adored and cherished by the family, he was not of great significance to their trading monopoly and had no real power. By killing him, it would only further provoke a powerful family of relatively high standing.

I firmly believed that Marquis Ramond was not so foolish.

Consequently, there was only one coherent explanation left.

The assassin failed.

The real target of the assassination was actually Aileen Xenith, the firstborn and heir to the countdom.


The assassin entered her room, late at night. Her younger, impulsive brother, who had not known fear due to being so treasured within the family, saw him enter through one of the mansion windows, and came running on his little feet.

Just before the assassin could use the weapon to stab the defenseless girl in her sleep, Her brother shoved him aside and screamed, "Elder Sister! No!"

Aileen woke up groggily. The assassin realized he had failed. The loud shout had already summoned the guards. He could hear their storming footsteps grow closer. He could only do what he could, as fast as possible, and try to escape.

The assassin drew his knife.

Then, mercilessly, he threw the dagger down and plunged it into the young boy's supple, clear flesh.

At the budding age of seven, Aileen had witnessed the brutal slaughter of her beloved younger brother.

And before she could catch the perpetrator of the cruel murder, he escaped without a trace.

She would never be able to find him.


I grasped Aileen's hand and firmly pulled her arm. Seeing my coquettish gesture, she contentedly threw me into her arms and squeezed me persistently. Her clumsy hand brought a slight smile to my face. She adorably cackled while spinning and jumping through the brilliantly blooming West Garden.

Sure enough, Aileen was the heroine. Only someone with a heroine's plot armor would be able to frolic so powerfully, spinning and jumping around for so long without hurling like an old man on a drinking spree.

Sadly, I was not the heroine, and therefore I was going to hurl like an old man on a drinking spree. If it wasn't for the fact that I needed to stick close to Aileen for the time being, I would have never pulled her arm and followed her to the garden.

After an unknown amount of time, I heard a voice call us back. "Young Master, Mistress. Please return to the mansion. Young Master, please follow me, I will bring you back to your bedroom." I shifted my focus onto the person speaking. I was greeted by the sight of a turquoise-haired tall gentleman. Who...? Someone who looks that way, I was certain that he was a part of Remis' memory.

As I was passed from Aileen to the handsome glasses-wearing man, I continued to stare at his face with absolute certainty. He looked slightly shy from the constant attention. Oh, it was him.

Eliad Leander, the head butler and future Aileen's most trusted confidant after the loss of her brother. Also known as capture target no. 4, the kuudere.

As I was carried up to the mansion, I continued to stare at the man with burning eyes. Eliad was the man that helped Aileen out of absolute despair during her grief. He was also the man who was the easiest to capture.



Aileen opened the door of Eliad who had just showered and put on a towel. His slightly flushed skin, paired with his toned biceps, six pack, and deepened mermaid line gave him a sexy and mature aura.

He calmly glanced at Aileen, who was frozen to the door. He smirked, giving him a seductive charm.

His usual professional countenance seemed to disappear. Instead, the steam from the shower framed his beautiful figure sensually.

"Do you need something, my master?"

You know, something like that.

I played with his adam's apple absentmindedly as I focused my attention on such ambiguous thoughts, not noticing his ears slowly turning a shade of deep red.

"Y-Young Master, uhm, uh..."

I glanced up blankly, "En?"


"Okay," I responded. I then turned my focus back down to his neck and fiddled with the protruding thing again, He really is so professional, keeping his thoughts to himself, yes. Even though he's close with me originally, he still abstains from any personal connection, keeping it purely professional, as expected.

I nodded quietly to myself and pressed my head against his chest and snuggled in. Ah, it's not even soft here. Why was he Aileen's confidant if he's not even soft enough for comfort? Tsk. I blew on his pecs to show my dissatisfaction and I could feel his body shiver.

"Young Master, w-we're here, shall I... bathe you?"

I thought for a bit. I'm supposed to act like a noble's child, and usually they require their servants to change themselves. But I already clearly stated that I would change and bathe myself since regaining my old memories. The maids must have already announced this to their superiors. Strange, because that should mean that Eliad must know already. Well, in any case, it's not necessary for me to accept.

"It's fine, I don't need to bathe anyway." I paused but ultimately added, "Eliad, you will no longer be required to change or bathe me." Oh, I forgot to speak childishly again.

"Oh, is that so..."

Did he sound disappointed? No, it must just be me.

"Then, should I tuck you in bed?"


He set me down on the silky covers and gently covered me with the blanket.

Just as he was about to leave, I realized that I forgot to tell him something. "Eliad, wait."

"Yes, Young Master?"

"Put on some fat. I wanna snuggle you properly, you're too hard right now."

"U-uh, o-okay."

(A/N: It's hard to write romance ;-; hehe, Remi, you little low EQ boy~ a sensible yet dense MC, I hope you all are looking forward to it!)

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