4 - I Need to Become a Background Character

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"Awww, isn't it so sweet? Our little Remi is being sticky~" My mother sang watching me stick to Aileen like slime.

"Remi, you have to eat." My father chided.

I shook my head and clasped Aileen's hand rigidly, refusing to turn towards the plates of food.

It was the night of Ramond's concealed attack.


I layed in the bed, tucked against the warmth of Aileen's belly. Aileen had long since drifted off to sleep, but I had my eyes wide open.

All night, I had been focused on drawing the almost limitless amounts of mana from Aileen's body and putting it into my own. I retained my earnest expression when feeling my mana pool slowly flood with mixed mana.

Siphoned Power Binding. A fancy magic term for taking mana from another person with a technique. Siphoned power was only available from other completely willing kin.

Siphoned mana was not only powerful, but also vastly beneficial for urgent combat situations. However, drawing too much power from other kin could harm the expanse and depth of their mana pools, so I soon broke off the connection and jumped off the bed stealthily.

The assassin would be coming soon.

I couldn't defeat a grown man with an untrained toddler's body. However, the assassin must have been careless. Because only careless experienced killers would leave a body and witness for the world to see.

Just like he wasn't expecting someone to find him in the room...

He wouldn't expect a trap of magic to be his end.

From under the covers, I grabbed a small, cylindrical object that I hid the day before and slipped out of the comforter. I squatted down and started drawing a large, room-sized circle. I worked my way in, carefully drawing intricate glyphs, patterns, until the entire magic circle was complete.

As soon as I drew the final stroke of the design, it glowed a bright crimson before it became invisible.

Aileen shifted uncomfortably behind me. "Ngh..." She grumbled and rubbed her eyes. "What's going on...?" She rubbed her eyes haphazardly and awkwardly propped herself up to a sitting position.

"Sister, Sister, it's nothing, I needa go pee pee, I really needa go, so sleep!" I ushered her into the covers and she soon fell back asleep.

"Okay... I'm going to sleep then, Remi..." She promptly plopped her head on the pillow and started snoring blissfully once more.

I sighed wearily and moved my focus back to the unseen magic circle. What's the activation again...? I deliberated. Ah, right.

"Grasp." I murmured. The circle burned anew, and sizzled out as if it was leaving a small etching on the hard marble floor.

All I had to do now was wait.


The assassin came swiftly, leaving only a momentary shadow of a presence.

I, lying behind Aileen, waited as he flitted into the room window.

He lurked closer, dagger in hand, without leaving a trace. He approached without reserve and was ready to throw the knife into her heart.

Click. A quiet, almost imperceivable sound resounded through the room.

The lights flared. And surrounding his figure were blaring white fires that caged him to the middle of the room.

I quickly pressed my hand onto Aileen's eyes to prevent her from seeing a horrific scene. The room, still silent, was encased with an eerie glow from the flame.

Don't Come Near Me, I'm Just a Background Character [BL Harem]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon