Murder Family (part 1)

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We see Y/N peacefully sleeping until his alarm plays.

Y/N wakes up and smacks his alarm clock.

Y/N: "Ugh. Kill me. Again."

He gets up and heads to take a shower. After doing so, he comes out to get dressed. However, he stops in his tracks when he sees the window open. He looks confused until he sees Blitz there.

Y/N: "Blitz!?"

Blitz: "Oh shit! You weren't supposed to see me yet!"

Y/N: "What the hell are you doing here!?"

Blitz: "I didn't know if you were awake for work or not, I decided to come see for myself."

Y/N: "Ok, leave. I'll be there soon."

Blitz leaves and Y/N starts changing clothes.

Y/N: 'Wait... my room is on the 6th floor. How in the hell did he get up here!?'

Skip to in the I.M.P lobby

We see Loona holding up a picture of a family, Moxxie shaking with a crossbow in his hands, Millie standing next to Moxxie, and Y/N also standing next to Moxxie.

Millie: "Moxxie, stop shaking! You're gonna shoot our only hellhound!"

Loona: "Wow. I feel sooo loved here."

Millie: "Just take a deep breath, and let it out."

Moxxie: "But- it's a family! Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?"

Millie: "I mean, if that's what the client wants."

Moxxie: "Maybe like a shitty dad, or a mob family, that's understandable. But to iradicate an entire innocent, seemingly in this instance, upper-middle class family bloodline!?"

Loona: "Hey! You don't know they're innocent! This kid probably sets dogs on fire, maybe this girl gets off to bullying Australian kids online, and this guy- this guy definitely watches."

Millie: "Exactly! Humans are full of secret nasties. It's why so many of them end up here. No offense Y/N."

Y/N: "None taken."

Moxxie: "But-"

Millie: "Guilty and innocent aren't our business Mox. Killin who we're paid to is our business. Shoot the target."

She kisses him on the cheek and Moxxie gets his shit together.

Moxxie: "I just think it's a bit excessive, and we could be a bit more selective, is all."

Then Blitz barges in the room

Blitz: "Guys! I want you to meet-"

Moxxie accidentally shoots the arrow and it flies all across the room, almost hitting Millie, going through the target, hitting the aquarium, and finally being cauht by Blitz.

Blitz: "Our newest client."

The aquarium falls over and the eels set the room on fire.

Blitz: "Damnit, Moxxie! I just bought those eels!"

Y/N: "When did we even get them?"

Blitz: "What are you waiting for!?"

Y/N: "What?"

Blitz: "Put the damn fire out! You have ice powers right!?"

Y/N: "Oh, yeah."

He shoots a beam of ice at all the fire and puts it out. But now everyone is freezing, except for Y/N.

Y/N: "What are you all shivering for?"

Blitz: "C-cuz! It's f-fuckin cold!"

Y/N: "Really? I feel warm."

Moxxie: "You m-might be immune to the c-cold!"

Y/N: "Eh, makes sense."

Skip to outside.

The client is in the taxi and Blitz is talking to her before she leaves.

Blitz: "Bye! And don't worry! We'll get that skank in less than 24 hours, or your first kill us free!"

Moxxie: "When did we start implementing that deal?"

Blitz: "When you set fire to my office IN FRONT OF A CLIENT! YA FUCKIN DICK SHIT! Now someone please tell me that fancy book is still intact!"

Loona: "You mean our only ticket to the other side? Yeah, got it."

Blitz: "And that's why you're my favorite Loonie! You get a tweat now!"

Loona: "Ew. Stop."

He tosses it in the air and catches it with his tongue like a frog.

Y/N: "You're fuckin disgusting."

Blitz: "Aw, stop it. I get enough of that from my therapist. Now let's go lick some ass!"


Millie: "The expression is 'kick some ass' Blitz."

Blitz: "Mine's better."

Moxxie: "Aw, fuck."

We all jump through the portal and see the house.

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