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Y/n tried to focus on the lesson her professor was giving, but her mind kept wandering to Jungwon. She couldn't help but think about the way he had hugged her earlier and how she had felt a pang of disappointment when he had let her go.

She knew it was ridiculous to have feelings for him, considering their relationship was fake. But she couldn't help the way she felt.

As she sat in class, she kept replaying the events of the past few days in her mind. She thought about the night they had spent walking through Seoul, and how much fun they had had. She remembered how he had made her laugh, and how she had felt so comfortable around him.

But she knew that it was all an act. A game they were playing to make Jungwon's ex-girlfriend jealous. Y/n tried to push the thoughts out of her mind and focus on the lecture, but it was difficult.

As the class ended, Y/n gathered her things and walked out of the room. She saw Jungwon waiting for her outside, leaning against the wall with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Y/n," he said, as she approached him. "You ready to go?"

Y/n nodded, trying to hide her feelings. "Yeah, let's go," she replied.

They walked out of the building together, and Y/n couldn't help but steal a glance at him. He was handsome, charming, and he had a way of making her feel alive.

But she knew that their relationship was fake. And no matter how much she wanted it to be real, it wasn't.

Jungwon grabbed Y/n's hand and led her towards his motorcycle, her heart racing with excitement and anticipation. She had ridden with him before, and she knew how much he enjoyed driving fast.

As they reached the bike, Jungwon handed her a helmet and helped her put it on. Y/n could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she climbed onto the back of the motorcycle, her arms wrapped tightly around Jungwon's waist.

The ride was exhilarating, the wind whipping past her as they sped through the streets of Seoul. Y/n felt alive, and she couldn't help but smile as she held onto Jungwon.

Eventually, they arrived at her dorm, and Y/n reluctantly let go of Jungwon as she climbed off the bike. She turned to him and asked, "Do you want to come in?"

Jungwon hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Sure," he said, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

They walked up to her room together, and Y/n could feel her heart racing as she unlocked the door. She led Jungwon inside, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement.

As they settled onto her bed, Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for this fake relationship. She had never felt so alive, and she knew that Jungwon was the reason for that.

~At her dorm room ~

Y/n was sitting on her bed, feeling a little awkward with the silence between her and Jungwon. She racked her brain, trying to come up with something to say or do to break the tension.

Then an idea popped into her head. "Do you want to watch a horror movie?" she asked, turning to Jungwon with a smile.

Jungwon's expression immediately shifted, and Y/n could see a flicker of nervousness in his eyes. "Uh, I don't know about that," he said, hesitating.

Y/n could sense his reluctance, but she didn't want to let the opportunity pass. "Come on, it'll be fun!" she urged, hoping to convince him.

Jungwon sighed, but he seemed to relent. "Okay, I guess we can give it a try," he said, giving her a small smile.

Y/n felt a surge of excitement as she pulled up her favorite horror movie on her laptop. She could see that Jungwon was trying his best to be brave, but she could sense his fear as they watched the movie together.

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