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Melody was tired of being home; she wanted to get out and explore.

She was bored in the bakery, and her father never took her to work.

Julia closed the bakery a few hours early to take Melody to the park. Steve was going to meet them there after he was done with some paperwork. In a bag, Julia packed a few snacks and fruits for Melody and a blanket to do a small picnic.

Hand in hand, the mother and daughter duo walked into the small community park in the neighborhood.

Three families were already there. Two young boys no older than seven were running around the playground.

A young girl was sitting on the grass, playing with her dolls. Her mother was sitting alone on a bench not too far from her.

A small boy that looked around Melody's age was having trouble walking toward his older brother, who was going down the slide. Their mother watched her two boys standing only a couple of feet away.

Melody was excited seeing all the new faces. She looked around the playground, wondering where she should go first.

Melody pulls her mother's hand, and they go up the small steps. Julia stayed behind and watched her daughter go on her own.

Melody observes her surroundings as she makes her way toward the metal slide.

The young boy made it to the slide and sits at the top of the slide. Melody observes him curiously.

Why won't he move?

She stands behind him, getting annoyed at the little boy.

With her small hands, she gestures for the boy to go down the slide. She gives him a gentle push with both hands, and the boy cries.

"Go," Melody is able to say. The boy tries to hold onto something, but Melody pushes him down before he is able to hold on.

The boy goes down the slide, and he squeals all the way down the fast slide. With a proud smile, Melody takes a seat and slides down the slide, not wasting time like the boy did.

At the end of the slide her mother waits for her with a weird expression on her face. It's a face her mother was making quite frequently whenever she was involved. Melody still had trouble figuring out what it meant, but she knew it was not good. 

Her mother stood with both hands on either side of her hip. "Melody Harrington," her mother said in a stern tone. "You pushed that boy," her mother pointed at the boy from earlier.

He was crying next to his mother. He wore blue shorts and a colorful sweater. He rubbed his eyes, and he continued to cry. She didn't even push him that hard. He was a crybaby.

"No, no," Melody lied. She just got here, and she was already getting in trouble.

Julia had seen her push the boy. He wasn't hurt, but she needed to teach Melody she couldn't go around and pushing kids. Someone could get hurt.

"You have to wait your turn, Mellow. You can't push kids around. Come on."

Julia extended her hand. Melody lazily took her hand. They walked to the boy and his mother.

Hearing the familiar cries of his brother, the older boy quickly arrived at his brother's side. He patted his younger brother's back.

"Hi, I'm Julia," Julia introduced herself to the three people.

"This is my daughter Melody." She looked down at her daughter, who was acting shy and looking down. "I want to apologize for what she did."

The blonde woman, who looked a few years older than Julia, smiled kindly at her. "Don't worry; she was just playing around. My name is Kate." 

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