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As Julia began her fourth month of pregnancy, her morning sickness became less frequent.

She had a bit of more energy, but she started to get constipated, and there were times she had shortness of breath. 

Her uterus was growing and, by doing so, moving other organs around.

As the weeks continued, she realized how little she knew about pregnancy and all the strange symptoms she was feeling as her body began to grow. 

Her bump was more prominent and became harder to hide during school. Her clothes were no longer fitting. Her dresses were no longer closing.

In the town, seeing a young woman who was still attending school and being pregnant before marriage was not unusual, but it was looked down on.

Julia was the tenth student in the last 15 years to get pregnant before graduating.

For a full week, she was the hot topic of Hawkins. The people didn't have anything better to do.

Many women called her names and shook their heads in disapproval.

In school, Julia lifted her head up high, not letting them see her tears.

As she walked down the hall, many whispered around her.

"I knew she was pregnant. I saw her vomit in the restroom one time," one girl said to her friend.

"No wonder why Steve and Nancy are not dating anymore. Can't believe she had sex with a taken man," the redhead whispered to her friend, not doing a good job as Julia was able to hear her loud and clear.

"It's always the quiet ones," a boy added, looking at Julia up and down.

Kimberly, who was walking next to Julia, had enough. Julia might be the bigger person by ignoring them and not being provoked by their rude comments, but not Kimberly.

The short girl turned around and glared at them "Shut up! Actually, why don't all of you shut up," she said loudly, gesturing to everyone in the hall.

She looked back at the readhead "you know what I find funny, Meghan," Kimberly stood up straight with one hand on her hip. "Is that you talk about my friend" she pointed her hand to her chest, "having sex with a taken man, which by the way, Steve and Nancy weren't dating at that time. When I saw you," she pointed to Meghan "last week behind the bleachers half naked kissing Robert."

Meghan's friend Bethany who stood next to her, gasped and looked at the young redhead and then at her boyfriend of two years.

The crowd around them started whispering about Meghan, Bethany, and Robert.

Without a second thought Bethany pushed Meghan, her back hitting the lockers, and she slapped Robert straight across the face.

More people gasped.

"How long has this been going on," Bethany asked, sounding angry.

Robert looked at Meghan in disbelief as if it was the first time he was hearing this, "babe, it was her," he pointed at Meghan accusingly.

"She forced me. I didn't want to kiss her. I swear," he raised his hands in surrender. Meghan's mouth hung open in shock. "That's not what happened, and you know it Robert."

The trio continued to argue, Kim lightly pulled Julia's hand "let's go to class," Kim said with a triumphant smile.

Maybe she would be the bigger person and leave the chaos she caused behind and not stay to see it evolve.

She looked back at the trio, who were starting to raise their voice at each other "have a good rest of your day, you three" she smiled and waved at them.

Kim looked back at Julia, "I'm so tired of hearing everyone talk shit about you. I already slapped Jessica Avery earlier today and made Kimberly Topper cry."

Julia's eyes widened, and she made Kim stop walking by holding her hand "thank you, but I don't want you getting in trouble because of me."

Kimberly moved her hand, dismissing her best friend's worries.

"If some else tells you something, let me know, I'll gladly put them in their place."

Both girls continued to walk "you can't fight everyone Kim."

Kim looked at her as if it was a challenge, "I beg to differ." With a soft smile Julia shook her head, not fully surprised by her friends response.

Both girls entered the classroom more than half of the classroom were already there.

Steve was already sitting down in the back of the classroom, two seats next to him empty.

Julia took a seat next to him while Kim took a seat next to her.

"How are you feeling," Steve asked, leaning closer to her.

She smiled at him, "I'm good. I didn't throw up all day today," she said proudly.

Steve had been thoughtful since the beginning, always asking how she was feeling. In school he would carry her book, and walk her to class then run to his class before being late.

"Are you hungry?" Steve whispered, unzipping his backpack. 

"What do you have," she asked, looking inside his bag.

"Uh, I want something too," Kim said from where she was sitting, trying to look inside that bag too.

Steve threw her a bag of chips while Julia took a bite of an apple. A chocolate bar was on her desk as well, when the bell rang a few seconds later, Robert walked into the classroom.

His cheek was bright red, and his nose looked crooked. When he noticed everyone staring at him, he looked down and took a seat in the front row of the classroom.

"What happened to him," Steve asked.

Opening the chocolate bar, Julia answered, "Kim told Bethany that he was cheating."

Kim smiled proudly, and Steve nodded his mouth in a small 'O' shape. 

The teacher clapped, getting the attention of the students. "Open your textbooks to page 708. We are starting a new lesson." Many students groan.

Steve got out two textbooks and handed Julia hers.

"I don't have mine," Kimberly said, her mouth half full of chips crumbs spilling on top of the desk.

"Here, take mine. Steve and I can share," Julia said, handing Kim her textbook.

Julia looked at Steve "we can share, right." "Y-yeah" he moved his desk closer to her while she opened the book to the right page. 

Hearing a desk move, the teacher looked for the sound, he was getting ready to tell the students to move back, but once he saw that it was Steve and Julia, he didn't say anything and continued with the lesson.

Steve and Julia looked down at the textbook, writing down the answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Steve looked at her in admiration as she wrote down her answer; he was still stuck on number three.

It was hard for him to concentrate with her so close to him.

His feelings for her were changing. There were small details he noticed in her that made him see her as more than a friend.

The last couple of days, he started seeing her in a different light, making things between them a bit more complex; if that was even possible, their relationship from the start had been complicated.

Julia moved her hand in front of Steve's face, "Steve, are you alright. I have been saying your name multiple times, but you were just staring."

Steve gave her a sheepish smile, embarrassed she caught him staring at her. He cleared his throat "yes, I'm good, sorry."

He looked down at his paper. This was new for him; he regularly didnt get nervous around Julia.

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