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Julia had a normal life; even though she was part of the cheerleading squad, she was not a social butterfly as many would think.

She only had one best friend, Kimberly Bell, a beautiful brunette girl.  

A few classmates she would consider acquaintances that she went to school with but if the teacher assigned to do a group project, she had a few people in mind.

One of them would be Steve Harrington. Steve was definitely popular; she knew he would never choose her to be part of his group, not until they shared a supernatural experience in 1983.

Kimberly and Julia had gone shopping earlier in the day; when they were walking back home, Kimberly spotted a fight by the alley.

It was between Steve Harrington and Jonathan Byers.

Kimberly had dragged Julia by the arm to have a better look.

As both boys were punching each other, the cops showed up shortly after.

The girls ran away, but Julia didn't realize she had dropped her shopping bag.

Once she did, she said goodbye to Kim and walked back to the alley where she assumed she had dropped her bag.

By the time Julia arrived at the alley, the officers were no longer there. She walked to where the fight took place, retracing her steps.

She smiled brightly when she saw her bag on the ground. The jacket that she bought was still inside the paper bag. With her bag in hand, she started to walk.

Instead of taking the same route where she had come from, she decided to walk by the town.

People were still buying a few things. She noticed how Steve was cleaning the red spray paint that she saw a few hours ago that had in big red letters 'starring Nancy the slut Wheeler.'

"You're the one that did that," Julia asked, looking up at Steve, who was on top of the ladder cleaning the red spray paint. More than half of the words were already gone.

He looked down "what this," he said, pointing beside him.

"Yeah, what else," she responded.

"No, no, it wasn't me," he shook his head, holding onto the ladder. "It was Tommy," he said slowly.

"What an asshole."

"Yeah, what an asshole," he mumbled, looking at the sign. "You too," she added.

He looked down at her "me," he asked, sounding offended.

"She's your girlfriend, isn't she," she asked.

"Ye-" she cut him off, "and you didn't do anything about it." He was quiet, "yep, you're an asshole too."

He took a deep breath "yeah, I'm an asshole too" he turned to face the sign and continued to clean.

She watched him for a few seconds when she decided to say, "you should apologize to Nancy."

He finished cleaning the last letter and went down the ladder, "I need to apologize to Jonathan too," he said, taking his jacket from one of the steps from the ladder.

"Are you an asshole to everyone, Steve," she asked, genuinely curious. He wasn't the nicest guy in school. He wasn't rude to her, but she was sure he didn't even know she existed.

"It seems that way," he responded.

Now that Steve was closer to her, she could see how half of his face was injured, and he had dry blood all around his eye. "You look like shit."

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