I'm Cara

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The two exchange the pills and money, and the stranger bids Andy farewell, patting him on the back and referring to him as "blood brother." before drunkenly stumbling out of the bathroom.

Andy emerges from the bathroom with the pills in his pocket, weaving his way through the crowd to rejoin his friends on the dance floor.

Andy continues to dance, he can't shake the feeling that he's being watched.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he sees a girl standing alone. She looks lost and out of place, and Andy can't help but feel drawn to her.

As she catches his glance she starts walking towards the bar, Andy feels a sudden urge to follow her.

He makes his way through the crowd, weaving his way past people until he reaches the bar.

The girl is sitting there, sipping a drink and looking around nervously.

As Andy sits down beside the girl at the bar, he can't help but notice the sweet, metallic scent of her blood.

It's intoxicating, and he struggles to keep himself under control.

But as he looks at her more closely, he realizes that she's not a vampire.

He's stunned that she would have the courage to come into a place like this, where she knows how risky it is to ever be seen in a place full of vampires.

Andy can't help but feel drawn to her,

As Andy asks the girl what she's doing at a place like this. She looks back at him with a smile and says, "I just want to feel seen."

Andy is taken aback by her honesty, and he realizes that he's never encountered a human so open about not being scared of one of them.

Andy's fingers play with the girl's long brown hair, gently teasing her as he asks, "Aren't you scared of me?"

But the girl doesn't fall for his teasing. She pushes his hand back from her and says, "I don't think I'm scared. It's exciting coming to a place like this."

Andy can't help but admire her confidence and bravery, but at the same time, he can't help but feel a sense of unease.

He knows the dangers of coming to a place like this, and he can't help but worry about the girl's safety.

Andy can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen.

He wants to protect the girl, but at the same time, he knows that he's in no position to do so.

He can hurt for all he cares, he can take her by the neck right now and have at it with her.

No one In the club would stop him, if anything they would join him.

As the girl talks to Andy at the bar, she notices that he is well known in the club.

Some vampire girls flaunt to him as they pass him, some of them glide their hand on his shoulder as they walk past to tease him.

The girl starts to realize that this guy is the it vampire boy, the one that everyone wants to be with.

She can't help but feel a little intimidated by his popularity, but at the same time, she's intrigued.

She wants to know more about him, to find out what makes him so special.

As they continue to talk, she can't help but feel drawn to him, and she knows that she wants to spend more time with him.

As she sips on her drink, she looks at Andy and asks him, "You're real well known here, aren't you?"

Andy takes a drag of his cigarette and nods. "Yeah, I'm always here with my boys," he says. "The girls here are too much for me sometimes."

The girl can't help but feel intrigued by Andy's nonchalant attitude.

She starts to open up to him, telling him that she's always wanted to come to this club but has been too scared to do so.

She's heard so many stories about it growing up. But now, at this point in her life, she just doesn't care.

Andy nods in agreement.

"What's your name?" he asks.

She smiles and reaches out her hand, introducing herself as Cara.

Andy takes her hand in his and brings it to his lips, kissing the top of it with ease.

Cara feels a shiver run down her spine as she blushes, feeling a connection with this mysterious man.

Andy reassures Cara that he'll take good care of her tonight, promising that no vampire suckers will get to her.

Cara can't help but feel a bit nervous - after all, she's just met this stranger.

But there's something about Andy that makes her feel safe, like she can trust him.

She nods, allowing him to lead her deeper into the club, eager to see where the night will take her.

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