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The night carried damp streets and bright lights. The buildings reflected off one another, bringing color to the city.


"Hey I need you to come pick me up before cops come. I dealt with the local bank. They don't seem too pleased."

"On it. It may take me longer on my end. Just stay out of sight."

"From what?" Vale stood at the top of level of stairs to the building, menacingly. There, pulled up already two cop cars and the sounds of sirens filled the air, "This is just like stepping on ants.."


Vale ignored their commands as she pulled out a pistol, blowing right through the area. She did not move, not intimidated by their own.


After each time she fired, she made her way slowly down the stairs. She knew that they would become a nuisance if she didn't hurry. Especially if they called higher up hunters.

The sound of a roaring vehicle echoed, coming closer each second shot.

"Sorry about that, saw a cute girl on the way here."

A tall guy with red fluffy hair, wolf ears and tail. Sunglasses that hid his true intention. Simply a monster, driving one hell of a motorcycle.
She quickly swung onto the vehicle after she had walked over.

"Let's go. I don't want those fuckers following us.." Vale growled.

"They always do." The wolf huffed, as the bike sped off. Speeding down the road, passing the vehicles standing in their way, as this was their everyday routine.

Sirens echos became loud once again and three flashing vehicles were on their asses.


Guns shot at their tires even though it all bounced off the vehicle without indents. Pure Bulletproof.

One of the bullets that bounced off ended up reflecting the wrong way and skimmed Vale.

"Son of a bitch.." She growled, before digging into her pocket. She pulled out some c4 while in the next hand, she carried the control. She tossed it behind her, causing the cops to swerve. Their concerns would be ended with a big bang. One click of a button and the bomb exploded, disturbing the peace of the city.

Vale smiled, seeing the creation of destruction.

"Don't get too risky now. I don't wanna wake up all the other gangs out here." Astro smirked.

"Be a good boy and keep your eyes on the road, Astro..." Vale commented. Astro swerved alittle, jerking into another direction causing Vale to be filled with motion sickness. Astro chuckled, seeing the side mirror reflection of Vale's twisted frown. Astro kept his grin until he saw the gas level of their get away vehicle.


"Now- what..." Vale groaned.

"Hold on tight-" Astro stated before taking a hard right into a shady alley.

"BLEC- "Vale covered her mouth due to the sickness as they turned the corner.

Astro sped up faster dodging the homeless and shade.

"WATCH OUT-" someone called out but neither of them glanced back to care.

On the other side was a gas station. A very small one. Missing cars and traffic, making their own very path to get to the destination.  Astro parked the vehicle and hopped off.

Licensed for CrimeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora