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"How are you upholding?" Lennox asked as they sat down on the stools of a nearby bar.

"What? Why are you asking me that? You could've got killed?!" Enzo furrowed his eyebrows.

"Not me. They're fast for sure, but they seem to be very fragile for someone who fights."

"I just don't understand! Why did they do that?"

"Seems like they didn't want us to talk to the big guy. And Enzo, you're gonna learn very soon that there is more to any of this life than just doing a few simple tasks. You're name alone will get you killed." Lennox stated, before pulling out a small bottle of vodka and taking a shot of it.

"What now..What do I tell my father?" Enzo rubbed his face.

"That we lost the target and failed the mission. There's over a 80 percent chance of someone dying in these sort of things. You're gonna get use to seeing a lot of blood and losses."

"What can I get you two?" A bartender had strolled over that very moment, a tall guy with glasses.

"The strongest shit you got." Enzo cut Lennox off before he could get a letter in.

"You sure you can handle what they got?" Lennox smirked.

"We will be fine as-long as one of us is more sober than the other."

The bartender passed over the glasses of Alcohol. Both reached to their hands.

"To a new chapter?" Lennox raised his drink.

"To a new chapter."

Enzo had woke up in his bed that morning. Not remembering a single thing. He wiggled his way out of the covers, and blinked open his eyes. He wasn't fully awake until Lennox had entered his bedroom.

"Get up Riverz. We have a long day ahead of us."

"Jesus Christ..." Enzo groaned into his pillow.

Enzo walked out of his room, wearing more of a casual outfit than usual. He knows everyone in the mansion but some people stick out more than others like Lennox. There was one, a girl that Enzo didn't quite like but was a pro manipulator and seducer.

"Well isn't it Enzo Riverz? It's been awhile sense we've seen eachother?"

"It's literally only been three days.. Don't you have something else to do, Claire?"

"I don't know do I? I'm actually helping with your next mission so you better be a good boy and play nice today." The blonde white adjusted his tie, while keeping her devilish eye contact. It was hard for Enzo to avoid looking at her body. Her entire cleavage was pushed up and her red tight dress stretched against her curves.

"Yes, and as your colleague, I suggest you stay a foot away at all times." Enzo sighed, slightly nudging her back.

Claire smirked before heading on her way, giving his shoulder a quick pat.


Enzo and Lennox get within the doors of a black tinted jeep.

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