【 Chapter19 】

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"Where are they?" JJ whispers to me no longer than two minutes after we had stopped talking about Rafe.
"Standing up at the back." I answer. Him and Pope immediately turn around and look at them. "Don't look at them idiots!" I say turning JJ's head around who then does the same to Pope.
"Great the whole death squad." Pope says, referring to Topper, Rafe and Kelce.
"Just warning bro. They corner me, I'm coming out swinging, okay?" JJ says.
"Uh huh." I nod.
"What you don't think I can take 'em?" JJ says unimpressed.
"Well I mean there's three of them and if it was just you then the odds would be in they're favour. Listen I've seen Rafe lift some heavy shit when he was helping at work one time, the guys strong."
"Slice and dice." He shrugs. "And if that doesn't work. Then I got this here." He says holding up his back pack.
"Put that down." I say pushing his bag down. "I still can't believe you brought it." I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah well we'll just stay in a group, they can't get us if we stay in a group." Pope breathes clearly nervous.
"Like a school of fish." JJ agrees.
"They would be dumb to do something with this many witnesses." I state even though that probably wasn't true to which they nod.
"Stay in the school, stay in the school." Pope repeats to himself.
"Nah fuck school."
"You know what I mean." He says.
"I'm sorry. JJ? Please tell me you DIDN'T bring the gun here?" Kie whispers to us. "Because there are kids here."
"No Kie. I didn't bring the gun. Everything's fine okay? He insists smiling at her.
"Wow JJ, you should get an Oscar." I mumble to him.
"You were very convincing. I love that." Kie says sarcastically obviously not convinced. "Founding principal you guys, no secrets among the Pouges. What's going on?" She asks us.
"It might go down tonight." Pope tells her with a serious look on his face even though he just said the cringiest words ever.

"What does that mean? 'Might go down tonight' what did y'all do?" She asks, determined to know what's going on.
"Deny, deny, deny." JJ whispers to Pope, still not telling Kie what's going on.

The suns long gone now and the movie is about halfway over.
"JJ." Pope whispers.
"What?" He asks turning his head to face him.
"I gotta take a piss."
"Hold it." JJ shrugs.
"I can't, I drank to much soda."
"It's too exposed, they'll totally see us."
"I gotta go." Pope persists.
"They're blocking the bathrooms."
"Come on. I know where." JJ says getting up.
"Hey where are y'all going?" Kie asks.
"We gotta wring it out."
"You gonna hold it for each other?" She asks making me laugh. They ignore her and just walk to wherever they're going.

"Oh shit." I say as Rafe, Topper and Kelce make their way over to where JJ and Pope are.
"What?" Kie asks, I respond by pointing to the three boys.
"Do we do something?" I ask unsure.
"We gotta. Let's go."
"Alright." I nod as we get up out of our chairs and walk over to our friends, putting JJ's bag over my shoulder as we go.

It was a good idea to go over because sure enough, fists are being thrown behind the movie screen.
"Let go of him Topper!" Kie yells hitting Topper as Kelce pushes me into Rafe.
"What the fuck are you doing!?" I scream at Rafe as he stands in front of me.
"Finishing what he started." He says calmly referring to Pope.
"Rafe! For gods sake!"
"Hey!" He yells grabbing the same wrist as before.
"This is where it all started. The only reason we're rocky is because you beat Pope with a golf club."
"Oh shut up." He says slapping me across the face with his other hand.
"God you're a liar. You said you'd never hurt me but look at this." I say as I try to pull my wrist free.
"You don't understand, I had too. You need to learn that you can't just, just treat me the way you do."
"Me? Have to think about how I treat you? Oh you're funny Rafe."

I look around for Y/n as me and Pope fight Kelce, I see her with Rafe. They're yelling at each other almost like they know each other well, but then my eyes fall down to her wrist. The one I was asking about earlier. Rafe had his hand wrapped right around it.

"Rafe if you don't leave me alone right now I'll punch you. I swear."
"Yeah like that'll hurt, no way you'll-
Fuck Y/n!" He exclaims after I in fact did, punch him in the nose. He releases my wrist to hold his nose. I push him over just to make him stumble a bit then run over to Kie who is currently on Toppers back. I run straight into his side, he topples a bit but not quite all the way over. Kie jumps down off his back then raises and eyebrow at me nodding towards her hand where she holds her lighter, I nod and she runs over to the sheet where the movie is being projected.

"You fucking Pouges." Topper says looking at me with anger in his eyes.
"You fucking Kooks." I say back. "So you just gonna stand there or you gonna do something?"
"Well- Holy shit." He says turning around looking at the orange flames behind us.
"Fire. Shit guys fire!" Rafe yells to his friends, they all run back to him like his puppy dogs.
Rafe catches my eye as I jog over to my friends. He puts his hand up to his ear in the 'call me' motion or saying he'll call me as if I didn't just punch him in the nose. I ignore it and go over to Pope.
"Are you guys okay?" I ask looking at them in shock.
"Yeah we're good." Pope nods.
"Hey, I gotta get going." Kie says awkwardly.
"Alright see ya." I nod as she walks away. "Well I guess I better get going too but we can all walk together, kinda."
"Yeah let's go." Pope says. JJ being awfully quiet as we make our way to our houses.

Oop- More action. Tbh I found this chapter kinda cringe.
Pls vote :)

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