♠ Chapter7♠

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"You got empty tanks." I state looking at John B with disappointed eyes.
"What?" He asks in disbelief.
"Yeah, this is empty." Kie nods as she double checks the air levels in the first tank.
"Well what about the other one?" Pope asks. Kie checks the other tank.
"Ah, this one is a quarter full so enough for one of us."
"Love it when a plan comes together." Pope sighs, rolling his eyes.
"Does anybody know how dive?" Kie asks, looking around at all of us who are avoiding eye contact. "Really? So we've made this plan and absolutely not one of us can dive?"
"Well what'd u expect? You think we got the money of time for diving lessons?"
"And it is kinda a look sport.." JJ nods backing me up.
"Well I read about it.............if that helps." Pope says awkwardly.
"Great, Popes read about it." John b rolls his eyes.
"Look you put the thingy in your mouth and ya breath. How hard can it be?" JJ shrugs.
"If you come up to fast nitrogen gets into your blood and you get the bends." Pope says very seriously.
"Like bend over and?....." JJ says trying not laugh his ass off.
"The bends kill you." I say looking at him.
"Well with that ass you gonna kill me every time you do so."JJ shrugs.
"JJ what the fuck man! Dude seriously, gross." I say shoving him away as looks me up and down. I know he was joking but still he could get a little out of hand sometimes.
"Yeah alright, sorryyyyyyyy." He says taking a step back.

"I'll dive." John b announces after a fair few moments of awkward silence.
"Yeah you can dive I'm cool with that." JJ nods.
"And since when can you dive?" Kiara asks.
"I'll do it it's fine." John b assures.
"Let me do some calculations real quick." Pope says.
"Bro really?" I respond in disbelief.
"Yes now he quiet while I do them."
"Mhm okay." I roll my eyes and walk to another party of the boat.

Kie takes off her shirt randomly and then dives into the water holding it.
"Don't know what that was but I liked it." JJ laughs.
"I tied my shirt at the ten foot mark." She states as she comes back out of the water.
"Alright you ready to go?" Pope asks John b.
"Okay then away you go."
"Diver down." He nods as he salutes us then dives into the water.

"You guys know if we get caught in the marsh, we're screwed right?" Pope reminds us all.
"Yeah we know. He won't be long though. Hopefully." I say as I reach into my bag and get out my phone.

Rafe 🩷                                         8:27ᵃᵐ                                           
Hey I need to talk with you           
Fine. We can talk later.
Why are you ignoring me?
Alright then, I'll just ignore you next time too

3 missed calls from Rafe 🩷

Bloody hell of course. I feel bad for not answering his texts but wouldn't he just think I'm with my friends? I needa call him soon.

A siren echos faintly in the background.
"Shit." Pope says. "Guys that's the police."
"Oh you gotta be kidding me." JJ rolls his eyes.
The police boat starts to pull up to ours.
"Just act freaking normal." Kie says to all of us.
I take this opportunity to crawl into the helm of the boat and call back Rafe.

*Beep* *Beep*
"Hey." He says dryly as he picks up.
"Hey." I whisper back. "I'm sorry I didn't answer your texts, my phone was on silent and do not disturb sorry. I'm also with my friends that's another reason why."
"Yeah I kinda thought that." He sighs.
"Why are you whispering?"
"I'm still with my friends just in a different room."
"Oh I see."
"Yeah......hey what was that thing you wanted to talk to me about earlier?" I ask peeking out the door trying to see what's going on.
"Oh I'd rather talk about that in person but uh it's nothing to worry about."
"Okay cool." I can't see Shoupe or any police on the boat anymore which is a relief. "Well I gotta go but we'll talk later."
"Okay. I love you."
"Love you too." I smile then hang up and put my phone in my bag.

"Who do you love!?" JJ asks as I look up to see him standing over me.
"My mum." I nod hoping he wasn't there for too long.
"Oh okay." He says. "If it's a guy then I'd be offended because I'm a guy (an amazing one at that) and you never tell me you love me."
"JJ trust me. It was my mum,"
"Good." He nods.

"Nice underwater scenery JB?" I ask as I walk out of the Helm.
"Wonderful." He smiles at me.
"Hey guys there's a bogey, 2 o'clock." Kie points out.
"What?" JJ asks looking at the boat coming closer to us.
"I've never seen it." She states.
"And I don't see the police logo." Pope adds.
"What are they doing here? The marsh is closed."
"I dunno about you guys but I don't wanna stick around long enough to find out what they're doing here. Let's go." JJ says.
There's commotion everywhere but finally we get going.
"I don't like this." John b says as he watches the other boat.
"Are they coming for us?"
"I bloody hope not." I say looking around feeling nervous. What was going on?
"Maybe they're just fishing for drums." Pope suggests.
"Yeah I don't think so." Kie says as the boat speeds up, going faster and faster.
"Go, go, GO!" We all scream.

"Go into the marsh." Pope says to John b.
"I'm just gonna act neutral." He says.
"Well we'll all be acting dead if you don't speed up!" I say stressing as the other boat got closer.
"Except we may not have to act." Pope adds also looking stressed like me.
"Yeah they're definitely following us." Kie informs us.
"Shit." John b says and then revs the engine.
"Dude you are gonna have to go faster!" JJ yells at him.
"I'm going!"
"Just fucking gun it JB!" I turn around and look at the people on the boat. "Shit they actually have a gun!" I say getting more and more nervous by the second.
"Holy shit!"
"John b get down!" I yell to him as we all get close to the ground trying not to get hit.
"Oh my god we're gonna die." Pope breaths out.
I look over at Kie who is clearly doing something. She has a fishing net in her hands.
"Kie what are you doing!?" I ask her but she doesn't answer, she crawls over to the back of the boat and throws it over the back just away from our propellers.

Pretty boring chapter 🤷‍♀️ But it's school holidays for me now so hopefully a lot of updates!
Pls vote :)

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