◌ Chapter18 ◌

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"Y/n!" JJ yells from behind me making me jump.
"Jesus Christ JJ what are you doing?" I say walking towards him.
"I can't believe you told Pope what you heard Rafe say. You got him all scared man! It's not funny." I look at him shocked.
"You've gotta be-
"I'm kidding it's fine. I'm just messing with ya." He says laughing putting his arm around me. "So....
"There's the movie tonight at the park. Do you wanna come?" He asks smiling at me.
"Me? Go to a movie with you JJ? Oh I'd be honoured." I say putting on a high pitched voice.
"Nah it won't just be us Kie and Pope will be there too."
"Yeah sure."
"Cool, let's go. We're getting chairs from Kies."
"Okay but we gotta stop into my place so I can change."
"Alright let's go."

Me and JJ walk into my house and we're about to enter my room when I pause.
"Hey wait here for second I think my rooms a bit messy." I say trying to make an excuse for me wanting to go into my room before he does.
"Um okay then." JJ shrugs waiting in the hallway as I go into my room.
Luckily Rafe isn't in there. I pull out my phone and text him telling him that if he was planning to come over right now than don't. In a nice way though.
"Okay it's clean now." I say pulling my door open and letting JJ in.
"Alright which top?" I ask him. "This one?" I say as I hold up a faded, oversized, black top that I would tie up. "Or this one?" I hold up a cropped, red black and white stripy, spaghetti strapped tank.
"Well both very different styles but since I'm an expert in fashion I'd have to go with the second one." He says acting all serious.
"Rightio then." I say waiting for him to look away so I can change. "Okay turn around please?"
"Oh yeah sorry." He says as he turns around facing the wall.

"Okay let's go." I say as I tie up my shoelace.
"Right." JJ nods walking out my front door me trailing behind me. "Can I hold you're hand?" He asks randomly.
"What?" I laugh.
"Never mind." He says rolling his eyes.
"Sorry. Here." I say putting my hand in his. "This is just friendly though and if Kiara and Pope get a different idea I'm gonna blame you."
"Yes yes I understand." He says smiling brightly at me which makes me feel awkward. I don't like JJ anymore. I liked him for ages but now I have Rafe and Rafe loves me and I'm not gonna leave Rafe for JJ because it probably wouldn't last, we would date and be so madly in love with each other but just get sick of each other I'm sure of it. Besides I'm not even sure JJ likes me, he's just desperate for human contact.

JJ randomly squeezes my hand to which I wince a little.
"What?" He asks.
"Nothing." I shake my head.
"You winced."
"Nah." I say trying to brush us off. He looks down at my hand, straight away noticing the bruise around my wrist.
"Jesus Y/n! What the hell happened?" He asks infuriated.
"I dunno." I shrug, obviously lying.
"No, you do know. What happened? Obviously someone grabbed your wrist and held it tight. Who?" JJ asks, anger in his voice.
"JJ mate! Knock it off! It doesn't matter." I say yanking my hand away and walking ahead.
"Fine!" He says catching up to me clearly annoyed but still taking my hand once more.

"Uh, what's this?" Kie asks nodding towards our hands as we arrive at her gate.
"JJ got scared of walking as the sun went down. He was scared the bad guys were gonna jump us." I laugh.
"You liar!" He laughs.
"So are you two macking?" Pope asks.
"No god no!"
"Why so defensive Y/n? Huh?" JJ asks finding this whole situation very funny.
"Just give us the chairs and we can get going. All of us." I say letting go of JJ's hand so I could carry my chair and he could carry his.

"I'm so glad they still do this." Kie says as we place our chairs down in front of the big sheet that will soon have a movie projecting onto it.
"I remember before my dad moved out we used to go camping and they used to do this for all the kids it was so much fun." I say getting hella nostalgia.
"That sound fun." Pope smiles.
"It was." I nod. "Anyway I'm gonna get drinks do any of you guys want anything?" I ask my friends as I get out of my chair.
"Uh yeah just a Pepsi thanks." JJ says.
"Yeah same here please." Pope smiles.
"Same for you Kie?"
"Yeah thanks Y/n."

"Four Pepsis please." I say to the guy behind the counter.
"Hey. Need me to pay?" I familiar voice says appearing at my side.
"No. I have money you know?"
"Yeah but I'm just tryna be a gentleman." Rafe smiles.
"Yeah well don't. My friends are right over there and have probably noticed you talking to me. Also there's a lot of people here."
"Yeah but I think what you don't notice Y/n is that I don't care to keep this as a secret. It's just you because you're, you're ashamed of me or something. Anyway, I'll do anything for you. Anything. So if that's what you want then hey that's fine by me." He says stepping closer to me.
"Um thanks?" I say getting uncomfortable.
"Yeah." He nods at me. "Thanks." He says to the guy at the counter as he passes him money.
"Can't believe you did that and I'm also still not you over jumping Pope okay? I want you to know that I'm still partly mad at you, okay?"
"Okay." He nods as I walk away.

"Okay here you are." I say passing the Pepsis out to my friends.
"Don't know how you carry four Pepsis at once." Kie says as I pass her her drink.
"I'm a waitress Kie, I've had some practice." I nod sitting down in my chair in between her and JJ.
"Y/n?" JJ says.
"Yes?" I ask turning my head to face him and Pope.
"Why were you talking to Rafe when getting our drinks?" JJ asks.
"I was hardly talking to him. He was just saying to warn my little friends to stay out of figure 8 and then I was getting at him for jumping you." I shrug.
"Okay." Pope says unsure.
"I swear. It was just Rafe being the creep he is." I say trying to convince them.
"Just watch the movie and relax okay?" Kie says.
"Yeah. I'll try." JJ says clearly still thinking about Rafe and Topper.

I wrote this chapter so quick somehow, hope it's good.
Pls vote :)

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