Echoes of the past

88 3 8

Been trying hard not to get into trouble,

But I've got a war in my mind.


T/W-Discussion/mentions of heavy topics, For example drinking and sexual content

I wake up feeling alone and empty, everything's quiet and the world feels as it's standing still. The dark room gleams with something sinister and lonesome, but it's nothing new. I feel so out of place  and otherworldly like my life isn't my own anymore. Waking up and feeling like the day is already ruined isn't great, but hey! At least I managed to fall asleep. 

I laugh it off, get up make myself an easy breakfast. And bask myself in a cup of warm hot confusion.

Where the hell is everyone? It's the middle of the day, I wouldn't mind them not waking me for gods sake I really do need the sleep, but I don't have work today so I would've liked to hang out with them.  Are they on a bounty hunt? No they were taking a day off... Could something have come up? But why wouldn't they wake me up if so? 

If nothings wrong, and nothing super urgent came up and they simply didn't invite me.

It means they forgot me, or just didn't want to bring me.

I hate that, Id rather be hated than ignored or forgotten. At least then they remember you, even if they don't want to. 

I sulk down into my arms, It's so melancholy when you feel unwanted. It's so uncertain,  did i do something to make them think I didn't want to join? Was it on purpose? Or did they really just not remember me?

I wasn't a last option, I wasn't an option. 

'Stop' I mutter in pain, punching my head as it rambles on about everything I don't want to hear. It's on and on with no one wants you, your worthless, pulling my hair and scratching my arms till I look like I've walked through a rose bush. I get up and wipe the tears from my eyes and walk to the bathroom.

I wash my face with cool freezing water, massage my face with it trying to wipe away every last clue that id ever broken apart, looking up in the mirror my face dripping onto me soaking my every being.

I feel like an old wound gashed open long ago, stitched together in a fit and broken apart so easily.

It's a morbid feeling when you've reached the edge of the cliff, fallen off and you know damn  well you're holding on for dear life.

I wash my face once more, I've never been one for wallowing instead I ignore the problem at hand and do stupid shit, rinse repeat. 

And so I take a shower, get ready, get dressed, and call my friends.


"Bligh manor, who is this." An annoyed and tired voice says.

"Hi Amity, It's Y/N. I'm looking for Emira and Edrick"

"Oh, hey. Wait a second I'll go get them."



Always. //hunter x reader//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon