Separate tides.

114 9 3

Every now and then, the stars align.

Boy and girl meet by the great design

could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?


I'm eating eggs again for breakfast, after weeks of eating the same thing every single day you naturally begin to get tired of it. But as I see it I've sort of went in a circle, at first i liked them than I hated them, now I like em again.

I guess the realization that we're dirt poor  and there's no escape sort of helps, on the topic of dirt poor I now have a job. "Baby bat babysitter" It's not ideal, but it pays.

I finally got them all to sleep about an hour ago, they lay on the couch snuggled into a fluffy blanket. And I've only now finally gotten the chance to eat, hence the eggs. Eda, Luz, Lilith and King left early in the morning before i woke up. And I know they went without me because I had to babysit, but I just hate not being able to go along with them. When we first got back, we obviously didn't have the portal anymore so our money source was cut off.  So I took on a job expecting that the others would do that as well, instead they became bounty hunters an arguably way cooler money making scheme. 

I just sort of wish they would've told me so I wouldn't have to be alone all day with these crying bats. 


The door smashes open and the bat queen creakily crawls in. "I is here." She says in an aery tone. "Hello." I smile.

She whistles and her children awake and fly over to her. "I thank you for thy troubles." She smiles. "It was my pleasure." I say awaiting for her to leave, but she doesn't instead she walks over to me eyeing me like a hawk.

"Where I live, there are very many palismen without homes, If thy would like thy could visit and see if any one of them would like to stay with thee. I think thy would be an excellent friend and staff wielder."  

I stay still for a minute taking in the information before I answer. "I- Yea, I mean I would love to just tell me when I can come over."

"Ye ye, I will send on a letter when I see it fits." She says before she coughs up a large chest filled with snails. "Farewell" She yells as she flies away.

"Goodbye B.Q!"


I sit in the kitchen, reading in all peace a rare thing to find in this household. It's seems that every time i get it in so abruptly taken away from me. And just as I've relished in the quiet for a mere ten minutes It's stolen from me.

Luz runs in King coming in at her heel.  "Y/N!" She yells and I sigh loudly. "Yes..?"

"We need you to come with us, and quickly!" She says out of breath. "Why? and where?" Instead of answering she throws a poster onto the table, it reads 'Wanted selkidomus, reward 100000." 


Roaring winds of the boiling sea stream across my face as we board the large boat, I dearly hold onto the railing slowly making my way up the shaky wooden bridge with my hair flowing wild behind me. Luz informed me on our way here that we were going on this bounty hunt behind Eda's back and that they needed me to come along because Eda had told her to take me along on another bounty hunt a little out of town that wasn't so dangerous. 

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