The intruder

171 8 3

I've never been a natural,
all i do is
try, try, try.

"Now Y/N i.m impressed with all your criminal antics, and also slightly proud, but! Entering the night market, almost getting assaulted and having a member of the emperors coven follow you home. Is way to dangerous for a 16 year old." Eda scolds me.

"I told you, that part was an accident!" I retort.

"Accident or not, you could have gotten killed!"

" I'm not dead though!? I got away safely." I spit out.

"And what if that guard hadn't gotten there? What do you think those men would have done to you?" She ask's frustrated.

"I'm not dumb Eda." I say my voice much quieter. I know it was dumb and dangerous, But we didn't go there on purpose!

"Good, then i trust that you'll never go to the night market without me again, i'm going out for a bit."


"Bye, Y/N." She says walking out.


"So, why did you call us here again?" Luz asks King.

"oh, yeah. Human Luz and Human Y/N, You two have been so obsessed with learning witchcraft that you haven't learned anything about my kind."

"Prepare yourself for.... DEMONS 101. King announces.

I sigh, I have my doubts about if I and Luz as humans will even be capable of doing magic. I would never tell Luz this though, I mean there,s always that small chance that it's possible.

My thoughts are interrupted by King "Demons are creatures of solture and bone." I lightly chuckle.
"And cute little paws?" I ask him

He sighs in return. "And cute little paws, true."

I look out the window as he continues talking about the weaknesses of demons. Purified water, and passive aggressive comments.

"Aww, you guys are sensitive." Luz says.

I chuckle when king says "Even demons have inner demons."

King starts talking about a so called snaggleback, Luz clearly not paying him any attention raises her phone camera up to King taking videos of him with filters.

"Come on guys! Pay attention, this information could save your lives someday." King groans.

"No were totally paying attention!" I reassure him.

"Yea King, look this is my paying attention face." Luz points to her face and acts like shes taking notes.

A loud wave of thunder makes the lights turn off for a second. I slightly jump in my seat at the sudden noice.

"Uh-oh looks like it's going to rain." King says

Luz slightly gasps "I love the rain!"

She starts running outside.

"Luz, wait!" King urgently yells.

I watch the scene unfold in front of me as king starts sprinting towards Luz. Luz is now outside talking to a flower, a droplet of rain falls a top of the pink flower. It withers, burning to ash.

"Boiling rain! Everyone get inside now! Eda shouts whilst running towards Luz.

She snatches Luz up pushing her into the house. Luz rolls right into me, making us both fall into a shelf.

Eda sighs. "Well, at least no one got hurt!" I book falls onto my head then landing on luzses head and finally falling into her lap.

"Haha, yea...." i respond lightly chuckling the pain away.

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