Don't be in love with someone

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Song: Enchanted by Taylor Swift
Griffin stood next to robin as he danced around like a fool. He didn't want to come to this school dance. But obviously robin dragged him into it because Finney had to cancel. But he didn't want to ruin it for him so he forced a smile on his face. Griffin felt overwhelmed with everyone pushing there bodies against each other's. He didn't know what to do or where to look. There where to many people.

But from a far a boy cought his eye. When he saw his face for the first time it felt like it was only him and that boy in the room. His beautiful brown hair cought his eye. His smile was just perfect. Griffin was so lost in thought of the boy's beauty. It was like he was under a spell. Billy noticed griffin. He waved at him and started to walk closer to him. Griffin felt his heart pound. But that soon washed away. They started talking and had a good conversation.

Even if it lasted for a while it felt like eternity to Griffin. This was definitely a night for him to remember. Robin stood there looking at his little friend fall deeply in love with someone for the first time.
Griffin and Billy started to get to know each more. They found out that he was one of Finney's friend and that he lived near griffin. Griffin was over the moon. Every moment he had with Billy felt special. A love spell. Robin was always off to the side to make sure he was okay. Even if they weren't blood related robin treated griffin like a little brother. He cared for him. He would always protect him like he did with Finney.

Today was the day. Griffin was to ask out billy. He got ready and grabbed everything he needed. Robin and Finney wanted to skip school today so they went to drop him off. Griffin clenched his note. Billy stood there waiting for him. Griffin breathed in all his confidence and walked towards him. He was really scared. He felt his breathing start to shake and his hands. His head started to spin. This was the very first page of a new book. Not where it ended but where it started.

Griffin suddenly stopped. His mind was running fast and full of stuff. But Billy's name echoed all over. He'd had that ever since they met. His name echoed until he saw him again. The words that where going to come out of his mouth where words that he had held for so long until now. He looked at billy and that same aurora washed over his body. He smiled proudly. But before he could say anything. A beautiful red head walked by

Billy smiled like a fool at her. Griffin's heart sank. He started to breath rapidly. Griffin saw how billy blushed for her. How his eyes had hearts when he looked at her. God he was pleading with all his heart for it to be fake. Please....... please don't be in love with someone else....... please don't have somebody waiting on you...... Those words kept repeating until they got louder. "I REALLY LIKE YOU BILLY!". Billy looked at griffin who was now handing him to note.

Billy grabbed it. "This too". Griffin handed him the stuff animal and candy. "Oh........ I'm sorry I do like you". Griffin knew it. He knew that was next. His heart ached. "Oh it's okay I understand". Griffin felt tears form in his eyes. Billy handed him the note. And the gifts. Well he gave them to the girl he liked. Robin brought griffin into a deep hug. Griffin sobbed. He let all his tears out.

The love spell had faded. There was no longer anything. His story ended here.

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