Nothing but a friend

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Vance Hopper had a crush on Bruce yamada but he wouldn't admit it, if he did then his reputation was over. Well Bruce started dating a girl for about 4 weeks now and they were the top cutest couple in the school a baseball player and a volleyball player.

Vance upon hearing this felt anger but not towards Bruce but to Ella he hated her.

I picked up Ella from her science class to take her to her volleyball class. She had a beautiful smile painted over her face which made me smile, "I'll see you after volleyball practice"Ella gave me kiss before waving good bye.

I walked out and headed out to the field where I found the rest of my team.
After practice I sat on the bleachers scince Ella's volleyball practice ends a bit later then mine

I turned my head around to find Vance peeking from behind the bleachers. "You can stop hiding Vance there not here anymore"I waved my hand up as I spoke to him

Vance walked towards me and sat next to me, "you were good out there"he spoke, "you think?"I asked

He nodded in response, I smiled at him

His face turned a pink color, "hah your face"I chuckled. We kept talking more and I completely forgot about Ella

"Bruce?"Ella said from behind me

"Oh I'm so sorry babe I forgot to pick you up"I quickly stood up

She just laughed and grabbed my hand "don't worry it's fine you were just talking to your friend that you must have forgot, but don't worry"she said. I was going to wave good bye to Vance but he was already walking away from us.

The next day Ella got sick and she couldn't make it to school so i walked to school alone.

After practice again I sat on the bleachers and waited to see if Vance showed up, and of course he did.

"Hey why did you leave yesterday without saying goodbye"I asked him, "I didn't want to ruin your perfect little moment with your girlfriend"he sarcastically said.

"Are you mad or something?"I stood up, "I'm not it's just disgusting seeing couples doing couple stuff in front of my face"he gaged in disgust

"Well I'm sorry if we make you feel disgusted  but maybe if you had someone you liked then you would know how we feel"I sort of yelled at him

"Well I do like someone but they don't like me back"he responded in anger, "then why won't you tell them it's not that hard"I spoke in a harsh tone

"Because I'm nothing but a friend to them!"he yelled out

It went silent, neither of us spoke up....

"Who is that person?"I questioned him, he looked at me "that person is you Bruce I've liked you ever scince I met you, but who knew someone like me would like someone like you, you have a girlfriend and I see the way you look at her, she's everything you need in your eyes you don't need anyone else.....but when you look at me, I'm nothing but a friend in your eyes"Vance explained

I wanted to say something but he walked away, i felt bad. It's ture I always thought Vance as a friend but sometimes I would think different just like him....but I didn't like him like that. I'm sorry vance
I'm sorry I haven't been uploading i ran out of ideas🥲. But I finally got some more 😋

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