Both of us

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Billy's pov:

I was walking out of school when I saw my two friends holding some kid I didn't know who it was so I went up to them to see who it was

Billy look what we found! I looked at the boy that mark was holding and the boy looked scared he was begging mark to let him go But mark just kept on calling him names. Mark just let him go I said as he stopped facing the boy and faced me. Why should mark let him go we're just playing around with him? Said milles while he stared at me with a weird expression on his face.

Just let him go, he's wasting your time anyways  Mark let the boy down, Your lucky this time bitch, the boy then ran away from him. Why did you have to do that billy? Yeah we were having fun why did you ruin it? Mark and Milles we're waiting for me to respond but all I told them was that it was just a waste of time and a teacher could have seen them. And so what if a teacher saw us they don't give a shit about anyone except for themselves mark said with an angry tone. Ugh shut up mark just don't do it at school you moran I said as I entered my house and flipping him off, Fine I won't Jesus mark said yelling back and also flipping me off.

I entered my house and going straight to my room. Minutes later my mom walked in my room

Hey mom what's up?I said while sitting up, Hey sweaty how was school? Oh the same as alway nothing new. You sure cause I heard that you were with that boy I told you not to hang out with my mom said with that look on her face whenever she gets disgusted No mom I wasn't with that kid and I don't even know his name I said as she sat down on my bed. You better not be lying to me boy cause if you are- NO MOM I'M NOT!? I yelled at her while saying it which made her mad obviously, Billy don't raise your voice with me I was just telling you, I know and I'm sorry but you always have to remind me and it's getting on my nerves, Fine sorry but I just tell you cause I don't want him to be around you okay, Yes I know mom, Okay well go take the dog out for a walk, Okay.

I walk around looking at how beautiful it is outside with buddy on a leash (I don't know what Billy's dog name so I just call him buddy) when I spot the boy form today and some old man

Griffin pov:

After what happened today in the morning all I wanted to do is relax so I went outside for a walk when I saw a black van and some man came out of it. Hey kid you wanna see a majic trick? I just stared at him with a confused look on my face but then he opened his van and black balloons were inside. He grabbed the black balloons and as he did I saw Billy the boy from this morning and so did the old man cause he got back in his van and drove off.

Billy pov:

The old man opened his van and there were black balloons inside it but the boy then faced me and the old man I guess saw me too but for some reason he quickly got in his van and drove off so I just decided to go up to the boy and get his name. Hey your the kid from this morning right, Yeah I am he said with a low voice, umm I never got your name? oh it's griffin, ah well I'm Billy and this is buddy, that's a cute dog Griffin then started to pet buddy and buddy loved it, my heart started pounding and my palms were sweating I didn't know why but I wished it wasn't because of Griffin but I already new it was because of him.

Nobody pov:

Billy and Griffin talked for a bit longer and ended up at the park. It was getting late so they both said bye to each other and Griffin gave buddy one last kiss before he left.

Billy pov:

I got home and my mother was already waiting for me, Billy we're have you've been her tone was harsh and it sent shivers up my spine, oh I was just at the park cause I got bored, Yeah right stop lying to her you know you were with Griffin I turned back to see my sister standing at the door with my dad, WHAT!? my dad yelled out with an angry face No that's not true I yelled out, It's true I saw them at the park talking even though mother said not to hangout with him. Both my mother and father started yelling at me telling me stuff I did not want to hear while my sister just stood there smirking.

Once my parents were done yelling my mom came up to me. Listen Billy maybe you think you like this kid but no no you don't okay Billy please tell me you don't I hesitated to speak, Billy please tell me you don't have a crush on that boy, I didn't respond but my sister fat fucking mouth opened up, Ha he does have a crush on him what a FAG!? I had enough of her shit talking and ran up to her and we both started fighting. Ahhh you fucking bitch let go of me didn't mom teach you not to hit girls, THEN STOP SHIT TALKING AND OPENING YOUR FAT FUCKING MOUTH IN CONVERSATION YOUR NOT INCLUDED IN. We kept fight but eventually my dad stopped both of us and we got sent to our rooms.

Billy pov:

I was in my third class and it got so boring so I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. I got to the bathroom and pulled out a cigarette but then the door opened lucky I it was just Griffin, hey Griffin, you know you shouldn't be smoking in here I looked at him while he said that. His face and his eyes were perfect but what was the most perfect thing was his lips the way they moved when he talked, I couldn't take it anymore I grabbed his waist and pulled him in finally our lips were touching 😯. As I expected his lips were soft we kept a soft kiss rhythm not anything aggressive when all of a sudden a teacher walked in and broke us apart.

We ended up at the office when my walked in and started yelling at me. BILLY HOW COULD YOU SKIP CLASS AND KISS THAT BOY!?  Mom stop yelling it was just a small kiss BILLY IT IS NOT JUST A KISS DO YOU WANNA BE CALLED A FAG, I didn't answer her BILLY ANSWER ME NOW, YES MOM MAYBE I DO WANT TO BE CALLED A FAG CAUSE I LIKE BOYS I LIKE GRIFFIN SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT THEN I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!? My mom went silent but then she glared at Griffin and started to hit him, YOU FUCKING FAG HOW COULD YOU TURN MY SON GAY, PLEASE MRS. LET GO OF ME!? Everyone was trying to take my mom off Griffin but she would always go back and Griffin was bleeding from all the scratches he had from her finger nails, eventually she stopped when Griffins mother walked in but she did not look happy at all.

Mrs.Stagg please si- the principle was cut off by her, no need I can stand, so your the mother of this creature my mother said as she walked towards her. Yes I am and listen close to me mrs.stagg leaned in to my mother's ears, You call my son a fag or anything else your dead my mother pushed her off and her face said it all she was terrified (mommy stagg 😍). Anyways if you have nothing more to say I'll be leaving and Billy if you ever want to hangout with Griffin you can come anytime your family now Mrs. Stagg Said as she left the building I looked at Griffin and he was wiping the tears off his face but also smiling. I got closer to him and gave him a kiss BILLY said my mother as she took me off him, look mother I love him and I told you I don't care about what you say my mother looked angry but she didn't say anything she just got her stuff and left.

I let out a sigh and looked at Griffin I smiled at him and grabbed his hand heading out of the office and outside. What dose this make us now? Griffin said while looking at me well I guess boyfriend's I said to him, okay. I lifted his chin and kissed him. Now it can be just the both of us I said, yeah just the both of us.  

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