51 Female servant

321 10 1

When the simulation cabin was opened, there were still a bunch of insects left in the examination room outside the cabin. As soon as Gu Yufang left the cabin, countless eyes in the room looked at it. Either surprised, or admired, or admired.

These early eliminated candidates watched the whole game through the live broadcast on the screen. What they expected most was the performance of the whole male worm.

Moore, who had just got off the cabin, waved his hand from afar when he saw Gu Yu through the heavy swarm of insects.

Gu Yu smiled faintly at him, which was also regarded as a response.

We have been partners on the court for three days, and there is still a tacit understanding.

He just came out of the examination room, and he didn't even have time to celebrate or trim, Lieutenant General Bud sent a bug to call him over.

Gu Yu walked to the door of the examination room. The rain was overcast and continuous, and the thunder roared faintly. The unbroken rainy season pulled him back from the examination room in the clear sky.

Gu Yu is down-to-earth and has a little sense of reality.

Captain Ryan waited far away in the rain. Seeing him come out, he hurried forward and handed him another black umbrella and the military coat of the outer cover. He had a military salute to him: "Good, Lieutenant Colonel! The whole legion has received your dispatch order. Congratulations on your successful promotion!"

Gu Yu put his coat on his body casually, and the black umbrella suddenly opened. He casually asked, "What is Lieutenant General Bud looking for me?"

Ryan scratched his head: "This... I don't know. The lieutenant general just asked me to pick you up, and he didn't say anything else."

Gu Yu nodded and walked quietly in the noisy rain with an umbrella. Looking at the raindrops sparsely splashing on the feet of his trousers and lit a clay flower, he had a vague guess in his heart.

The off-road vehicle was not far away. After getting on the bus, I walked for half an hour to the headquarters building of the 10th Division of the Fifth Army.

At dusk, the sky became gloomy. Black clouds piled up at the top of the sky and lay in the blurred sky. They looked cold, like beasts devouring all possible gliests in the dark.

The headquarters building was covered by this group of dark clouds, and even the thunder here was restrained. Listening to sobs, it was suppressed in the throat.

The building is particularly empty at this time of the year, and there are not many military insects coming and going. The umbrella was held by Gu Yu in his hand, and the condensed raindrops fell all the way and connected to the ground.

He put on a light-brain lens on the other hand and began to send good news to his major general that he had passed the examination. Gu Yu kept smiling at the corners of his lips and didn't pay attention to the way forward. After being reminded behind him, he found that he had reached the end.

Unlike the empty corridor, outside the office where Bud met, there stood a row of neatly suited females, dressed like some hateful association officers. But Gu Yu was a little uncertain, because they were not familiar to him.

"Hello, Gu Xiongzi." The female insect standing close to the side of the door bent down to him, and her right hand respectfully placed on her chest.

This title made Gu Yu raise half of his eyebrows slightly, showing a little interest.

It is the first time in the military department that a worm has called him like this.

The female insect opened the door for him with a respectful attitude, and her eyes only stayed on his chest: "The president has been waiting for you for a long time. Gu Xiongzi, please come in."

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