41 Join the army

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On the first day of Major Gu's entry into the military department, Wanchong was empty, and the front of the military department was blocked. The soldiers and women stood shoulder to shoulder and looked at it.

Feeling the breath of the male insects in the floating car that flows into the sea of insects and slowly drives out a road, the soldiers and women are inevitably invigorating.

The nature of the female gene hidden under the blood makes them unprovoked, coupled with the psychological stimulation of curiosity. On this day, no military insect in the capital circle headquarters of the Fifth Army can quietly complete his work, and he doesn't want to find a way to join in the fun.

For thousands of years, no male insects have stepped into the land in military uniforms. On this day in history, for the first time, the smell of male insects has entered.

The capital star does not have a permanent army, but it is set up as the administrative headquarters of the military department, which is the place where the marshal is in charge of the prime minister's military affairs. In order to protect the safety of the headquarters and the marshal, the headquarters will be rotated by the five legions every three years.

In addition to the legion left in the Guardian Marshal of the Capital Star, the remaining four armies of the Empire are separated from the other four auxiliary stars in the capital circle of the Capital Star.

Within each legion, the five-star divisions in the capital circle are different every year.

Every year, a legion will stay in a team of a division in the capital circle, including 10,000 military insects.

In the farther starry sky, it is the military region where the five armies are in their own hands. The vast interstellar territory of the empire is divided into five roughly military regions, each covering thousands of galaxies, and the number of troops stationed in these galaxies represents the real strength of the five legions.

A division stationed on every planet in the capital circle is just a ladle, a dime.

Controlling the vast interstellar territory, the empire relies entirely on military power, so that from history to today, the military minister has been in power for a long time. Congress has legislated that the five legion commanders must settle down and live in the capital star. Isn't there a reason for restraint?

The army, the Zerg who yearns for expansion and reproduction by nature, symbolizes danger, unknown, and also symbolizes authority and strength. Curing and balancing military power to achieve subtle coexistence with each other has always been the primary proposition that must be measured by every Congress.

Before coming, Lu Chen had roughly popularized Gu Yu so much. In the first half of his life, Gu Yu, as an ordinary insect in the empire, he faintly felt this subtlety, but he never thought deeply.

The popularity of Lu Chen made Gu Yu also a little curious: "So when Lu Chen was in charge of the whole Fifth Army, did you have a little idea of fighting or even suppressing it with the Congress?"

At that time, Lu Chen was suddenly asked by him. He was stunned, and thought deeply for a moment. He seriously replied to him: "At that time, the Fifth Army rushed to the front line of the border war all year round. I didn't have time to entangle with the distant capital star politics."

"Later, the overall environment of the empire gradually became peaceful. I know better that this peace is hard-won. It's too late to cherish it. How can we take the initiative to break it?"

Lu Chen was provoked by him to have distant memories of the battlefield.

Every time I think about it, the memory is always full of blood, but it is based on the sad blue, which makes him often remember the bloody and dirty faces of his colleagues who were left behind by him and covered his life in front of the enemy.

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