~It's not over~

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After walking through Dante's door it was clear he was only just waking up as he was slightly sitting on the edge of his bed, so I walk towards him, wearing a pretty black dress filled with strawberries on it, showing a little bit of cleavage but not too much to be a tease, hair was in little curls hanging down beside it, I sat down at his kitchen, waiting for him to come to me, and when he did his eyes lit up, like a little puppy, I smiled at him then rummaged through my bag, I brought the art kit that I bought for him a while ago now and handed it to him.

I stood up so I could watch him open it, he smiled at it, then at me, he placed it down and without another thought he picked me up and swung me around, placing a peck on my lips before putting me back down. "I love it, but why did you get me something, I feel bad because I've nothing to give you" he scratched his head, I just smiled and let out a little giggle. "Well actually you did, the flowers were lovely, a bit of a strange pick but still much appreciated" His face turned sour and he ran out of the house quicker than lightning, what's up with him? 

I followed as he only went to my home, picking up the flowers I had set on my kitchen side in a nice vase, and throwing them in the trash. What is he doing? "Was there a note?" this is getting weird, "maybe, they came in a plastic wrap, there could have been one on that, it's in the bin" after I spoke he rummaged through my bin to get the plastic wrap the flowers were wrapped so nicely in, there was a note on it, I just hadn't noticed. He plucked it off so gently and read it, keeping its contents to himself, he just stood there, getting visibly angry, I can always tell when he's angry, his shoulders become tense, so I reach out to him, stroking him across the back.

His hands were shaking, "Dante what's wrong?" I swing him around so he's facing me. "Cassius sent them, not me" His words send shivers down my spine, why would he do that? "He wants you dead to get to me" his voice is shaking now, I lay a kiss on his lips, I need to be strong, I need to show him I'm strong. "He won't get to us, I know he won't, he's just trying to scare you. Don't let it work" he looks at me, like my words may have worked, and we stand there just admiring each other's strength. A little time passes and he starts to pack me a bag, he plans to make me stay at his house so he can protect me better, I'll do anything he asks of me, not just because I love him, but if Cassius really is as bad as he says then I really don't want to meet him. 

Back at his house now he places my bag full of necessities down, and turns to me with a sorrowful look in his eyes, "If it comes down to it, I want you to promise me something" I feel like a hard convocation is about to happen, I can already feel the tension between us, like a weight on my chest, it's heavy and painful, I don't want to promise anything that could harm any of us so instead I just nodded my head, "If he gets to me, I want you to run away, as far away from me as possible, live your life without me" a tear falls from his face like he's already thought about it, my arms wrap around me, "he could kill you though if anything was to happen to any of us, I would want to die first because I wouldn't want to live without you, I wouldn't want to be away from you any longer than possible, so don't make me promise something I know I can't keep."

His grip gets tighter around me, barely leaving me any room to breathe, but I don't need it, I just need him. "I can't love you if I'm in the dark, far away, not able to touch you, if we are apart he's already won," I say, tears now falling from my eyes. We just stand there holding each other before he finally pulls away but not fully, "I've had the best time falling for you Willow, but he wants me not you and I'd give all that up and spend a lifetime without that just to know you're safe, but time isn't in our favour unfortunately" he looks down but I hold his face tightly so he can't go far, "You're not leaving me Dante, and he's not taking you from me either, I'll kill him myself before he gets close to you" he giggles "My human hero" he calls me, before he scoops me up with one arm, like a princess in his arms.

Just looking at each other, his eyes become darker when he's worried, "Enough sad talk, you look beautiful today, like a princess" he swings me around, and the weight I felt on my chest lifts slightly, he always knows what to say to make me feel better. "So are you the knight that rescued the princess from impending doom?" my words made him smile, his eyes starting to get lighter, like the worry is slowly leaving him, but I don't think it will leave completely for a while, not until he knows Cassius is gone for good. "No, I'm the monster the princess felt bad for, I didn't save her, she saved me" With that our lips collided, and if the world were to come to an end now and I wouldn't care, as long as I'm in his arms and he was in mine. 

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