~Becoming curious part 2~

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A few days had passed since I had finally seen who lives next door and my curiosity is taking over me. It's become clear to me that he is a very private person, but not just that, he only ever leaves his home after dark and returns after an hour or two either in a state or with blood on him somewhere. I know I shouldn't pry as it could just be a simple explanation to it, or it could be something I shouldn't get involved in. But I need to know what he is doing.

Different scenarios traced through my mind wondering what it could be such as maybe he works night shifts at a morgue, or that he is a private investigator, or that he is a boxer. Each thought came to mind and any normal person would just say pick one and go with that, but don't get involved. The outcome of these choices was always the same, it didn't feel right. I know there's something I'm missing or it's something more than that.

So I had decided to do my kind of investing. I want to know who he is and what he does at night, but I don't even know the man's name yet, and I doubt he would tell me, so I had to find out for myself and I know just the place to start. I had contacted my landlord and ask as many questions as I could.

He couldn't give out too much personal information but he could tell me his name and a few little snippets of who he is. Dante Myres around 29 years old, has lived there for a good 3 years, has no job but always pays the rent and has good money, the landlord has only met him twice and each time was after dark. Unknown origin and unknown backstory, I may know little things about him now but it's not enough. I still feel like there's more to him than meets the eye.

After some web surfing, I found myself at a loss. Nothing, no records of him anywhere. Just who are you Dante and what do you do, slamming my laptop down in a huff annoyed at myself for doing such things. My head was throbbing from overloaded thoughts so I decided I needed a drink, it's the weekend so no working on my book for a few days. Grabbing my purse and charging for my door shoes on at the ready, no coat was needed and it was just a light breeze in the air.

The only thought that came to mind while gripping at my front door handle was that I needed to mind my own business and stay away from him as it could be something dangerous. I shook my head and cracked the door open. My mood changed quickly as I walked into something hard and cold knocking the strange thoughts right out of my head. The bitter but sweet smell of chocolate and cigarettes pricked my nose when I suddenly realized it.

Dante. I slowly raised my head and there he was. The wall I thought I hit with such force was his broad chest standing before me. A bubble began to grow in my throat and I was stunned. I pulled myself back like I was dodging a car in traffic and looked up again, this time with force. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me to see the suddenly tense yet handsome figure standing there just over the threshold of my door.

Does he know I've been investigating him? Is he here to tell me off about it? Is he here to have another battle of words with me? Should I just slam my door in his face and run back to the comfort of my bed and act as if nothing happened?

When I had finished with my thoughts I had snapped back to reality only to realize he was real and his emerald green eyes had not left mine yet and he wasn't leaving my door. Suddenly his mouth began to open. "Erm hey, I didn't mean to make you jump, and I'm sorry for showing up so suddenly but I just wanted to talk with you if that's alright?" He asked with such a softness to his voice that even my silk dressing gown would be no match to him and again he spoke "may I come in?" Listening to his voice I was in a trance and hadn't realized we had been standing there a while.

I moved aside my door allowing him to walk freely into my home unsure of what to expect next. "S-sure come in" I stuttered and fell over my own words as I pointed to the interior of my home. He only nodded and then walked with such quietness that even a penny dropping right now would be louder than him. He turned sharply around once inside and glanced at me and peered back at the floor. I closed my door with uncertainty for I didn't want to be alone with this strange man in my home.

We both stood almost at a standoff in my living room waiting for either one of us to speak. "Would you like a drink or something?" I offered to try and lighten to tension a little or distract me somewhat, but he was still looking at the floor and simply shook his head slowly. "No thank you. This shouldn't take long" he was twiddling at his thumbs in front of him as if he was a child about to be scolded by his mother. "Before we start I'd like to say thank you for the gift, my name is Dante and it's a pleasure to meet you"

My mouth was slightly open as if the words "I know" were going to slip out but that would have given me a way of what I had done if he didn't already know, but it slammed shut again. "I came by to apologize about how I acted towards you in our first meeting it was childish and unpleasant I hope I can make it up to you somehow. If you don't want to accept my apology I'd understand and I'm sorry for intruding into your home" as he spoke he glanced up at me with such a twinkle in his eyes that I was afraid if I looked too long I could be hypnotized.

Words bubbled up like soda in my throat as I was contemplating what to respond and all that fell out of my mouth was "I forgive you" I shocked myself by saying it. Glancing up he was suddenly right in front of me, towering over me almost with his presence with a look on his face like he was relieved, and for a moment, so was I.

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