~Making a deal~

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A/N: Apologies for the late update, had some technical issues, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Still frozen to the spot he left me in, I can't believe what just happened, I'm pretty sure he felt that too. That spark, the tension between us, the fact he has to pull himself away and can't face me afterward. It almost makes me want to make him act like that more, it makes me wonder what he would do if he didn't leave? It's late but I can't sleep, I already want to see him again, I want to feel his hands caressing my waist again, but I must wait I don't want him to try to run away from me again. If I can't see him, I'll text him instead, I'm pretty sure vampires don't sleep anyway.

Me: Do vampires sleep?  I shoot a text to him and throw my phone down on the bed and bury my face in my pillow, did I really just ask that?  Almost instantly my phone buzzes. 

Dante: No but humans do, you're still awake? His response made me giggle a little, so I sat up in bed a shot him another text.

Me: Guess I'm not human after all 😉. What else can you do besides leave a room super fast and not sleep?

Dante: You're definitely something else, your blood isn't like anything I've ever tasted... Do you really want to know what I can do?

Me: Good or bad taste? Of course, I want to know you've practically got superpowers. Tell me everything? I do want to know everything about him, but why do I want to know?

Dante: You taste like sweet nectar and It's irresistible, so much that sometimes can be difficult to stop...Anyways if you really want to know, I guess for starters you could say I've got a super hearing.

Me: What do you mean super hearing, like you can hear a small fly buzzing or more than that?

Dante: Way more than that. I can hear your heartbeat through my bedroom wall, it's like a rock band drummer right now. 

I'm shocked, my face is burning from him talking about how I taste! It feels as if he's watching me all the time, why do I like that idea? I'm so stunned at him and myself that I let out a whisper of "no way" when my phone buzzes again.

Dante: Yes way...

He can hear that as well? holy shit he is incredible but it does make me wonder. 

Me: So if you can hear my heartbeat from over there, why did you come into my room when I'm sleeping to hear it?

I guess I kind of caught him red-handed because it's been two whole minutes before my phone buzzed again.

Dante: I guess you caught me huh? you're gonna think I'm a creep now...

Me: I'd never think that about you, I think you're a little strange and peculiar but not creepy, so tell me?

Dante: You're gonna laugh though.

Me: Why would I Laugh? 

Dante: Just promise me you won't laugh.

Me: Fine I promise then jeez just tell me already!

Dante: I like to watch you sleep. It's beautiful to me, you look so peaceful. 

I do let out a little snort at what he said because I really thought it was going to be worse than that, but a small bang on my wall was enough to remind me that he can hear everything.

Me: I only laughed because I expected something worse than that, so I was laughing at myself. Is that all you do then? just watch me sleep?

Dante: I guess so, you smell pretty nice as well, it's kind of calming to me and I have no idea why.

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